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Software Engineering

Software engineering is a great tech career path for beginners. Our resources cover coding tips for tech newcomers, comprehensive guides to coding in multiple languages, programming language recommendations based on your career, and other resources to help you refine your skills and get one step closer to a software engineering career.

How to Debug C Using GDB
When you’re coding in C, you’re bound to run up against issues that bring your program to a dead stop. That’s why it’s crucial to have a well-honed debugging process to ensure that you can isolate and resolve your issues…
Basic Coding Languages
If you’re just getting into programming, you might be feeling overwhelmed.  Words like ‘syntax’ and ‘packet’ read like a foreign language, and you might be thinking that it’ll take years to wrap your head around everything.  We can sympathize; most…
Is it Hard to Learn to Code?
If you’ve considered learning how to code, you’ve probably heard that it isn’t easy.  The truth about coding is a little more complicated than that—some of it is difficult, but it’s not all the same.  So, is it hard to…
What Are The Most Used Coding Languages Today?
Did you know that over two hundred coding languages exist today? If you’re new to programming, it’s easy to get lost in all the options. Luckily, you don’t need to learn every one of them as only a few maintain…
The Best (And Fastest) Way To Learn Programming
Coding is a valuable skill to develop in the modern world.  Software is taking over the world, and high-paying programming jobs are everywhere.  Unfortunately, if coding were easy, you wouldn’t get paid so much to do it. Learning to program…
What Language Should I Learn to Code? These are the Three Best Coding Languages You Can Learn.
There are dozens of coding languages out there, and choosing the right one to start with can be daunting.  Unfortunately, you often have to learn more than one coding language to be successful.  Luckily for you, Career Karma has a…
Programming Language Basics You Should Know
If you want to be successful nowadays, it helps to have a good handle on programming. People with programming skills are more useful and valuable team members, and they can command much larger salaries and better job security. You don’t…
How to Code a Game with No Experience
If you’re drawing breath today, you’re likely aware of how popular video games have become over the past few decades. Video games have become an enormous industry that rakes in billions of sweet, delicious dollars every year and, unless we…
Getting Started: The Best Way to Learn to Code
As a modern-day member of the workforce, you know just how vital a coding background can be for your job prospects. Programming skills are at a premium nowadays, and barring an EM pulse that sends our infrastructure back to the…
Should I Learn how to Code?
With the rise of the tech industry, more and more people ask if they should learn to code.  While the answer from us would be a resounding, ‘YES,’ it’s a little more complicated than that.  There are many different types…
A Guide to the Programming Languages Most Used Today
By this point, we can all agree that programming languages have become ubiquitous in our daily lives. We use programs to make phone calls, access our computers, feed our pets, and drive our cars. Every device we use is packed…
How to Learn to Code for Free
We all know how tough it is to compete for jobs in today’s market. To stand out, we need to have that extra something on our resumé, and coding experience is one of the best extras you can have. More…
What is a Programming Language? A Beginner’s Guide
Programming languages are everywhere and they impact us in a myriad of ways. Today, you employ computer programs from the moment you wake up from your mobile phone’s alarm to the second you fall asleep to a Netflix show. Becoming…
The Top Programming Languages to Learn for Career Success
Psst… you didn’t hear from me, but it looks like this whole “computer” craze is here to stay. Now that I’ve given you such valuable insider information, it’s up to you to take advantage of it. People who have programming…
How to Learn to Code Fast
Coding is an awesome skill to develop and anybody can learn it.  Unfortunately, many people get intimidated by programming, and the internet doesn’t help.  The web is full of poorly-designed tutorials and bad advice, so coding can seem too daunting…
Best Programming Languages to Learn
There are dozens of coding languages in use today, and choosing the best ones can be daunting.  Some programming languages serve a specific purpose, such as website design, while others have more general applications.  When determining the best programming languages…
How to Debug Ansible: An Overview
You’re an automation fool and you’re ready to get started with Ansible. Ansible is the perfect automation tool to tie your environment together and coordinate upgrades and task deployment. Best of all, Ansible is open-sourced, so you don’t have to…
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