Committing to a bootcamp is a big life decision. There is often a lot riding on the choice to join a coding bootcamp. Time, money, and investment are all factors prospective students must consider, weighing what is worth committing to. For this reason, many prospective students try to get a feel for the bootcamp they’re interested in before committing fully.
One great way to do this is by using resources available from coding bootcamps. Getting acquainted with their potential school is a huge benefit, allowing them to learn what kind of work they’d be doing, and get a feel for the culture of the bootcamp prior to making any further commitments.
This is why Rithm School is excited about the free events it runs. Rithm offers free events to allow future students to feel fully prepared and ready to commit to learning, and feel confident in their decision of choosing Rithm.

Rithm’s Free Events
Rithm has always been community-focused and a core tenet of the bootcamp is the belief that education should be available to anyone who seeks it. This is why Rithm hosts a variety of free events of different kinds and different lengths which can help students get acquainted with the instructors, the teaching style, and the types of work they’d be doing in the bootcamp, before committing to anything.
The free events are meant to foster a sense of community, provide free education for anyone who is interested, and give prospective students a peek into how classes run. All of the events are typically beginner-focused, so they’re great for people who are interested in learning how to code, but aren’t sure where to start.
The events are typically structured with a live lecture taught by one of Rithm’s instructors, and following by coding practice. One exercise that’s often completed at these events is building a game in a web browser. The events also encourage pair programming, along with the guidance of the instructor.
Info Session Webinar
One of the free events offered by Rithm is the Info Session Webinar. In this event, students learn about the full-time web development course that Rithm offers. It’s also a chance for them to meet co-founder Elie, as well as Director of Admissions, Angelina.
In this session, Elie and Angelina discuss the kind of students that Rithm is looking for, allowing students to see if they’d be a good match. Rithm looks for students ready to embrace immersive learning experiences, lovers of problems solving, and people committed to learning to code.
Private Accelerated Bootcamp Prep
This accelerated two-week-long free evening course is taught by Rithm instructors. It will fast-track prospective students through intermediate coding concepts, introducing them to the energy of Rithm school, and preparing them for the technical interview that they’ll have to undergo to get into the Rithm bootcamp course.
It’s also a great way to gauge interest in the material and determine if this is the right path for a prospective student, without paying anything.
The course takes place in a small classroom environment. Applicants will solve a handful of JavaScript problems together, digging into a variety of general problem-solving strategies and patterns. By the end of the course, students will be much more adept at problem-solving, and ready to pass the technical interview and go for the full-time bootcamp.

Rithm’s Free Courses
In addition to the free live events Rithm runs, the school also offers a wide range of free courses that can help future students learn web development skills on their own—to either approach the material for the first time or brush up on existing skills.
Presented in tutorials, screencasts, and exercises, these courses include the following topics:
- Essential developer tools
- HTML and CSS fundamentals
- JavaScript fundamentals
- Advanced JavaScript and computer science in JavaScript
- JavaScript for the server
- JavaScript libraries and frameworks
- Python fundamentals
- Web development of Python and Flask
The duration of the courses ranges between 15 to 30 hours.
What Prospective Students Get Out Of Free Events
The free events underline Rithm’s goal of making coding education accessible to all, while at the same time fostering a sense of community. These events have been running ever since the beginning of Covid. Before the pandemic, Rithm would have monthly or quarterly happy hours, with pizza and beer provided, as an open house opportunity for people to check out the campus and network with aspiring engineers and alumni.
The major change that’s happened with these sorts of events over the years has been transferring them to being remote. Rithm has experimented with running more intermediate and advanced events, but over the years, it has seen that the 101 style courses are more helpful for the kinds of students that are seeking out these free events.
According to Rithm, at least 50 percent of full-time students have attended one or more free events. Rithm staff encourages people who are looking to join a bootcamp to attend any events that the bootcamp provides. It’s a great opportunity to get the know the staff and for the staff to get to know you.
Rithm hopes these events will give learners the motivation to pursue their coding journey. Learning to code on your own, the school says, can be hard, so getting hands-on help and extending your network as well as potentially gaining study-buddies can be very helpful with motivation. Visit Rithm’s event page for more information.
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