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Deep Dive: How Grand Circus Builds A Positive Remote Learning Environment
In today’s age where remote learning is the norm, many factors that once allowed people considering coding bootcamps to pick between different bootcamps may seem to fade into the background, making all remote bootcamps appear the same.  Factors like location,…
Get Further Ahead In Your Career with Udacity
Picture this: you’re sitting at a table with an employer on each end. The employer on the left offers to pay you $100 a week. In return, you’ll need to consistently put in five hours of work per day without…
A Deep Dive Into Makers Academy: Eight Years Of Holistic Tech Education
Now that so much of our lives have moved online because of the COVID-19 pandemic, so too has the way that we learn. Remote learning has become the norm, and coding bootcamps are no exception. But how does learning to…
Why Start a Career in Marketing Operations with Highway Education
As a person looking to enter the job market, it is not easy to find a career path that is not only long-lasting but also fulfilling and rewarding. Hitting all of these markers that make for an exciting career can…
Deep Dive: Highway Education Bridges the Gap
Coding bootcamps have become a popular option for young people seeking to enter the workforce and alternative to traditional higher education. Many young people excited about employment opportunities find that after spending money on college degrees, they are floundering to…
How Thinkful’s Academic Success Managers Shepherd Students to the Top of the Mountain
The higher education system in the United States is losing its reputation as the best option for career changers. People are worried about the ballooning cost of higher education. And if you take longer than expected to graduate, the price…
Deep Dive: How CodeBoxx Is Bringing the Workplace Into the Classroom
How wide is the skills gap? According to a global workforce solutions company, it’s a chasm.  In its latest “Talent Shortage Survey,” the Manpower Group found that nearly 70 percent of employers struggle to fill vacancies for skilled workers. Leading…
V School Answers, “Does Mastery-Based Learning Really Work?”
“There is no perfect teaching model for one learner. Whether it’s lecture, reading, group projects, or hands-on activities, everyone is going to excel differently. The goal is to try to account for all different types of learning styles by creating…
Ironhack Announces a New Scholarship with Uber
The global bootcamp Ironhack has recently partnered with Uber to award $100,000 in scholarships to Uber users. You can take advantage of this opportunity to immerse yourself in the growing tech community by applying to the upcoming remote or in-person…
Deep Dive: How an Exclusive Product Gym Membership Can Help You Earn Your Dream Job
Product managers have become a key part of the tech development life cycle over the past 20 years. Even though the position has continued to grow, many people still aren’t sure what a product manager does.  Product managers are in…
MIT xPRO’s Women-Only Coding Bootcamp Kicks Down Doors For Diversity
The software development field is growing rapidly. Developer jobs are expected to grow by 22 percent by 2029 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, much faster than the four percent growth expected in other job categories. With such rapid…
From Unemployment to Career Success With an Income Share Agreement
Kelly Moreira’s journey to a career started like a lot of others. She went to a university, took out a student loan, and earned a bachelor’s degree in human resources. In the process, Kelly gave up a living-wage job to…
Meratas: How to Be Sure You’re Getting an Amazing ISA
In our last article with Meratas, we discussed how Income Share Agreements (ISA) loans are making education more attainable. So now that you have an idea of what an ISA is, how can you make sure that you’re getting one…
Level Effect: Training the Next Generation of Cyber Security Experts
According to intelligence firm Risk Based Security, data breaches in 2020 led to the exposure of 36 billion records, and that’s for the first semester alone. Indeed, cyberspace has seen an alarming rise in cybercrimes, most of which resulted in…
A Deep Dive Into GetSmarter: Learning and Development Made Relevant
Careers used to be simple. Earn your bachelor’s degree, land a well-paying job, and work away until retirement. Over time, that simple model has gotten more complicated. Starting and maintaining a career is no longer a one-and-done deal but a…
Practicum: How a European Tech Giant Is Making Tech Careers Available for All
Most coding bootcamps are tough and there’s a good reason.  Coding bootcamps squeeze huge amounts of information into a short amount of time. And much like real bootcamps, students have to show their commitment by sticking with the programs no…
Take a Seat In the Galvanize Software Engineering and Data Science Classrooms
Eleven years ago, Israeli conductor Itay Talgam delivered a speech about how different conducting styles represent the kind of leadership that a conductor commands. Among the examples he gave was a conductor who waves his arms with ease and only…
Inside the Kenzie Academy Classroom: Instructors’ Spotlight
“I came to work this morning and I had this posted on my desk,” said Randy Cox as he showed us an orange sticky note with a message that read, ‘Come see me - Fury.’  “And you know, I’ve only…
Success Stories: Find Out What Life Is like after Nucamp
If you’re looking for a quick way to become a full-fledged web or mobile developer, Nucamp may be the solution for you.  Taking that first step toward a brand new future doesn’t have to be scary and it doesn’t have…
The Algorithm Works, If You Fit the Culture: How App Academy Closes Tech’s Diversity Gap
In 2015, Google drew the ire of the public after its image-recognition app auto-tagged photos of Black people as “gorillas.” The following year, a tool used by US courts to measure a defendant’s re-offending rate was found to flag Black…
How to Get a Full-Tuition Scholarship for DevelopIntelligence’s Learn to Code Bootcamp
Handsome salaries, growth potential, and job security are just three of the many reasons people choose to pursue a career in tech. The news of talent shortage has been making headlines for several years now and experts are saying there…
The Rithm Team Reflects on the Anniversary of the Pandemic
“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”  -Alan Watts We’ve all had to learn how to join in the dance of change this year. Much about…
How Coding Temple Can Help You Gain the Confidence To Break Into Tech
Are you thinking about a career change? If yes, you’re not alone. According to an Indeed study in 2019, 65% of the respondents have expressed the desire to make the shift at one point or another in their professional lives.…
The Springboard Experience: Making the Impersonal Personal
Virtual work and study have been an option for some time now, but over the last year, it’s clear that the shift to online platforms has accelerated faster than we could have ever imagined. With this proliferation of distance learning,…
Why DigitalCrafts Offers Two Ways to Learn Remotely
In a time where social distancing is an absolute necessity, remote learning is the perfect model for those looking to upskill or reskill amidst the pandemic. Many education providers, including DigitalCrafts, have moved their entire operations online.  DigitalCrafts is a…
Thinkful’s Support Team: Building a Community of Success
In a previous article, we asked, “Why Thinkful?,” to discover why students might choose Thinkful for their bootcamp experience. A bootcamp’s curriculum and financing options may be appealing, but there’s another aspect that’s equally important to finding the right fit…
Deep Dive: How Tech Elevator Offers Opportunities for Everyone In Software Development
The software development field is expanding at a rapid pace, and many companies need technical talent to keep up. Because people are using the internet more than ever to work, stream, date, learn, and shop, companies of all stripes are…
An Income Share Agreement Helps A Flight Attendant Enter the Digital Cloud
After nearly five years of flying above the clouds, Evan Kolb found himself entering a different kind of cloud—the digital one.  Upon earning a bachelor’s degree in East Asian Languages and Cultures, Evan landed a job as a flight attendant…
Hit Play With General Assembly: A Free Tech Conference Series
For a decade now, General Assembly has cultivated a robust community with a strong passion to spur the growth of the tech industry. This is evident in its award-winning curriculum, career-centric support, and expansive offerings to help tech aspirants worldwide…
A Beginner’s Guide to Income Share Agreements with Meratas
If you’re here, you’re probably looking to make a career change. When you’re trying to find a new path, it can be daunting to look through every option you have at your disposal. Beyond that, it can be stressful figuring…
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