You’ve made it through your training at last! Coding bootcamp and the time you spent developing your programming skills on your own weren’t easy to complete, but you did it. Now, it’s time to job hunt. If you’re a coding whiz and are looking for a gig working wit object-oriented JavaScript, you need to know the object oriented JavaScript interview questions and answers for experienced programmers.
Knowing what sorts of challenges you’ll encounter during the interview will help you prepare for the experience, and we’re here to help you. In this guide, we’ve gathered some of the most common object oriented JavaScript questions you’ll run across during whiteboard interviews and other pre-employment skill tests. We show you the most common general JavaScript knowledge questions you’ll find, and you’ll also find out which JavaScript areas are likely to pop up during your job interviews.
Brush Up on General Knowledge JavaScript and Object Questions
If you’ve worked in the tech world for any length of time, you’re probably not stunned to discover that there are lots of folks who exaggerate or flat-out lie about their credentials in order to get their feet in the door. Hiring managers have to contend with this all the time, and they’ve developed some standard boilerplate knowledge questions to help them weed out the posers. In your JavaScript hiring interview, be ready to answer some baseline knowledge questions.
A common question you’ll here is whether “scope” and “context” have identical meanings in JavaScript. They don’t—scope refers to variable visibility, while context involves the object that a method belongs to. You might also get asked about creating a function inside of a method and what the “this” keyword represents in such a function. The answer in this circumstance is the “window” object.

Get Ready for In-Depth Object-Oriented JavaScript Questions
Once you’ve gotten the standard “you must be this tall to ride”-type questions, you get to turn to the more involved and knowledge-intensive questions. You’re applying for a highly specialized gig that requires a measure of expertise, after all, so you need to prove that you can do the work they put in front of you. When you sit down for your interview, be ready to answer some intense object-oriented JavaScript questions.
You’ll get some questions about object properties, such as whether objects are passed by value or reference. The answer to that question is that all objects pass by reference. Any changes to an object’s reference changes the object itself. Finally, be prepared to address specific examples. You might get asked about whether the object that document.getElementsByTagName()
returns is an array. (Nope. That’s an HTML collection.) You won’t know what the examples will be, so spend some time each night before the interviews to study a variety of sample questions to prepare for the interview.
So, there you go. As a new developer, you’ll have to sit through a ton of interviews, and if you want to go for a specialized job like object-oriented JavaScript developer, you need to prepare yourself. This guide shows you the object oriented JavaScript interview questions and answers for experienced developers and helps you prepare for your next job screening. Before long, your career will take off, and your paycheck will blow up.
About us: Career Karma is a platform designed to help job seekers find, research, and connect with job training programs to advance their careers. Learn about the CK publication.