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Learn HTML

HTML is a vital programming language if you intend to work in front end web development. These articles and resources will help you identify the most suitable HTML courses. There are also excellent guides on HTML books, events, and projects that will help you sharpen your HTML skills. You can also find specific step-by-step instructions on HTML practices here, such as navigation bar creation and title tags.

Learn HTML: Best Courses, Books, and Resources for Learning HTML
Whether you’re interested in building your own websites or pursuing a career as a web developer, coding HTML is an essential skill. Fortunately, there are plenty of online courses, books, and tutorials for every type of learner, from the absolute…
A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Navigation Bar in HTML
Learning how to create a navigation bar in HTML will help you plant your feet in website building and development. The Internet is becoming the basis of both personal and professional news with 4.66 billion active internet users worldwide, so…
Best HTML Events to Learn and Get Support
HTML events are significant for career development because they assist in helping you improve your skills as a programmer, software engineer, or a web developer. These events could be in the form of conference sessions and meetups. This article will…
The Best Exercises and Quizzes to Help You Learn HTML
HTML is an acronym for HyperText Markup Language. The language provides the basic building blocks for web pages and web applications. HTML is used to structure and describe the contents of a web document to a browser. If you want…
How Hard Is It to Learn HTML?
If you’re a newbie in the tech field who would love to get started with web page and web application creation, this article is for you. Find out all the basics you need to know to get started with this…
HTML Best Practices, Guidelines, and Resources for Your Development Career
HTML is one of the pillars of web development. It plays a significant role in the front end of most websites, so it's important for every developer to learn this coding language. However, like with every other programming language, there…
Top HTML Projects to Sharpen Your Skills and Build Your HTML Portfolio
The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) lies at the core of web and software development. It allows for the addition of features, components, and the organization of data on the website. When combined with CSS and JavaScript, HTML becomes a powerful…
How to Use index.html
When you are building web pages in a code editor like Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, you need to create an index.html because this page has an important job to do. Creating an index.html page first is considered a best…
HTML Select: A How-To Guide
The HTML <select> tag creates a list from which a user can select one or multiple options. A <select> tag should contain one or more <option> tags which represent the choices from which a user can select. Selection boxes are…
HTML Title Tag: Step-by-Step Guide
The HTML <title> tag defines the title of a web page. This title appears in the tab bar on your browser and when you add a page to your bookmarks list. All web pages should contain a <title> tag. When…
HTML New Line Using br and pre
You can add a new line to an HTML page using the <br> or <pre> tags. The <br> tag adds a break in the page. The <pre> tag formats text exactly as the text appears in your code. If there…
HTML mailto Links: A Step-By-Step Guide
The HTML mailto link opens a visitor's default email client when linked. This type of link makes it quick for a user to contact you over email. You can specify a default subject, CC, BCC, and body with a mailto…
Best Free and Premium HTML Editors in 2021- Mac, Windows, & Linux
HTML editors are valuable tools for any web developer or website designer. These programs can help web developers design a website, check for errors, and experiment with different text designs and layouts. Here, we compiled a comprehensive list of the best…
Change Font HTML: A How-To Guide
The font-family CSS rule lets you define the font of an HTML web document. To refer to external fonts, you can use the url() method to define a font face. Or, you can embed a font CSS file from a…
How to Create the Copyright Symbol in HTML
The &copy; or &#169; symbols represent the HTML copyright sign. These symbols let you embed a copyright sign on a web page. The copyright sign does not appear on most keyboards so you need to use the HTML symbol code.…
HTML Form action Attribute: A How-To Guide
The HTML form action attribute defines what should happen to data when a form is submitted on a web page. The value of the action attribute should be the URL of the web resource that will process the contents of…
HTML Superscript and Subscript Text And When to Use It
The HTML <sup> tag specifies superscript text. This is text that appears at the top of a line of text. The <sub> tag represents subscript text. This is text that appears at the bottom of a line of text. Most…
HTML Image: Step-by-Step Guide
The HTML <img> tag adds an image to a web page. Use the src attribute to specify the location of the image you want to bed. The alt attribute is often used to display text in place of an image…
HTML Span: A Guide for Beginners
The HTML <span> tag lets you apply styles to a part of a web page or a paragraph. It is often used to stylize the text in a paragraph, such as by changing the color of a word. The <span>…
HTML Favicon: A How-To Guide
A HTML favicon appears in the tab bar of your browser next to the name of a website. The favicon is a small image that identifies the website a user is visiting. Favicons are declared in the <head> tag of…
HTML Footer: A Step-by-Step Guide
The HTML footer tag defines the footer for a web page or a section. Footers usually contain contact information, links to important pages on a website, and the author of a web page. When you’re building a web page, you…
How to Create a Hyperlink in HTML
A HTML hyperlink lets you navigate to a different page. An <a> tag defines an anchor. The "href" attribute specifies the location a user will be taken to when they click the link. Between the <a> and closing </> tags…
HTML Input: Step-by-Step Guide
The HTML input tag creates an input field in which a user can insert data. Common inputs include text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, and email fields. An input tag should be labelled using a <label> tag. Forms in HTML consist…
HTML Iframe: Step-by-Step Guide
The HTML iframe tag embeds a web document onto a web page. An embedded document could be a PDF, a web page, or another asset. The src attribute defines the location of the embedded resource. You can embed the contents…
What Is HTML Used For?
HTML is one of the most popular languages across the Internet. Every web page that you browse (including this one) was built with HTML, along with many other programming languages. While it may not have glitz of some more popular…
What is a Markup Language?
When we talk about markup languages in programming, we don’t mean that someone is trying to raise the price of something. A markup is not a price increase. It’s a way of representing data using a particular type of scripting…
How to Perform an HTML Redirect
There may be times when you need to redirect your web traffic to a new site. There are multiple ways to perform a redirect, usually through the backend, but in this article we cover how to do it using a…
Differentiating Between the Types of Spaces in HTML
In HTML, sometimes we need to create space, and it’s not as easy as just using the spacebar to create it. This is especially true if we need multiple spaces in a row or tabs – HTML tends to collapse…
A Guide to Using Quotes in HTML
There are several ways to cite sources or discern quotes from its surrounding text in HTML. Today, we go over the HTML Quotation Elements:  <blockquote>, <q>, <abbr>, <address>, <bdo> and <cite>. Each has their own unique use cases – we…
How to Open a Link in a New Tab Using HTML
When we want to direct a user to a third-party web page, the default behavior is for the link to go directly to that page in the same tab. You can keep users on your page by opening up the…
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