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Learn Git

Git is a free, open source DevOps tool that is used to track changes in a set of files. These excellent Git resources will teach you common Git terminology, best practices and guidelines, tutorials for beginners, and articles about specific Git commands. Finally, you will find courses, training, and other resources to help you learn GitHub.

Git fatal: ‘origin’ does not appear to be a git repository Solution
By default, a Git repository is not associated with a remote repository. If you try to push changes to a remote repository without first specifying its location, you’ll encounter the “fatal: ‘origin’ does not appear to be a git repository”…
Git Detached HEAD
While you might not encounter the problem of a detached HEAD, it is important to know about it so that you can avoid it. As a recommendation do not commit on a detached HEAD but if you do, we’ll show…
Git: Move Commit to Another Branch
Code in Git projects is stored in branches. Each branch is an independent line of development in which you can make changes to files. You can move commits from one branch to another branch if you want changes to be…
Git nothing added to commit but untracked files present Solution
If you add files to your local machine then try to pull a remote copy of a repository without adding those files to the repository, you’ll encounter the “nothing added to commit but untracked files present” Git error. This guide…
Git commit your changes or stash them before you can merge Solution
If you have made changes to the same file in both your local copy of a Git repository and a remote repository, you’ll encounter the “commit your changes or stash them before you can merge” Git error. In this guide,…
Git Reset To The Rescue
When you are working on a project by yourself or as part of a team, there might be instances when you want to undo a commit. The git reset command is one of the tools known to be a real…
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
An error that begins with “fatal” never sounds good. Do not worry; the cause of the fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git error is simple. This error is raised when you try to run…
How to Create a Github Profile README Using Markdown
Github gives us the opportunity to personalize our profile – the page where our pinned repositories are – with a custom README.md that introduces who we are as developers. In this article, we take a look at steps to create…
Git Submodules: A Guide
How to Use Git Submodules As a Git repository grows in size, you’ll probably find yourself depending on other repositories. A blog project may depend on another repository that stores the code for a particular theme. A software project may…
How to Use the git rebase Command
One of the beauties of Git is that it allows you to keep an accurate record of how a codebase has evolved. This makes it easy to see what changes have been made to a repository, when they were made,…
Git Revert Commit: A Step-By-Step Guide
The git revert command will undo a commit so you can return a repository to the previous commit. Instead of deleting the commit, revert will create a new commit that will reverse the changes of a published commit. This preserves…
git blame: A Beginner’s Guide
How to Use the git blame Command You may have been told in school never to play the blame game. When you’re working with Git, you can ignore that advice. Using the blame command is an essential part of Git.…
Git Add Remote: A Beginner’s Guide
How to Add a Remote to a Git Repository Have you just started a new Git repository on your local machine? You’ll need to add a remote if you intend on linking it to a remote repository. The git remote…
How to Solve fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories
After using Git for a while, you’ll notice that there’s a lot of mistakes that can be difficult to fix. This isn’t the case with the fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories error. Unlike a number of other errors, this…
How to Resolve Git Merge Conflicts
In most cases, Git can resolve differences between branches and merge them. This is because developers are usually making changes to different lines or files. There are some cases where Git cannot merge a repository. These situations are called merge…
Git Undo Add: A Guide
There’s plenty of reasons why you would want to remove an item from a Git commit. If you’ve not finished working on a file, it may not be ready to commit; you may still be testing it, or you may…
Git Pull Request: How to Create a Pull Request
Git repositories have become a popular way to manage a codebase. Using Git, you can have multiple people working on a project simultaneously. Everyone can have a version of a project on their local machine to modify, but any changes…
Git Branch
Branching is a feature in almost all modern version control systems. Branches allow developers to move away from the main version of their code and make changes to their code without updating the main version of the code. In other…
Git Tag
Tagging is a feature used to keep track of specific points in a Git repository’s history. Over time, when you’re working with a Git repository, you’ll make a large number of changes to your codebase. In Git, commits are used…
Git Commit
Saving changes to a Git repository is not as simple as just saving a file. The Git version control system uses a more elaborate method of tracking changes, which allows developers to have more granular control over the changes they…
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