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Career Advice

To help you find the right career match, we take a look at what’s it like to work in popular tech fields like cyber security, web development, and data science, among others. We also offer advice on what you need to do to explore those careers.

Top New Trends in Ecommerce for the Future
Ecommerce is a booming industry that has managed to stay afloat despite economic downturns and the pandemic. The industry was worth $9.09 trillion in 2019 but by the end of 2020, the global market capitalization had increased to $10.36 trillion…
Top New Trends in Diversity for the Future
The world has changed significantly when it comes to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Companies in the United States and beyond are actively making efforts to adopt and promote the new trends in diversity year after year. As someone…
Top New Trends in Digital Marketing for the Future
In this article, we explore the top new trends in digital marketing. A few years ago, search engine optimization (SEO) was the major digital marketing strategy. More recently, the focus has shifted to video content. A good example of this…
Top New Trends in Cognitive Sciences for the Future
Utilizing trends in cognitive sciences in various technological and medical sectors has been becoming increasingly popular. Robotics, artificial intelligence, and automation are examples of cognitive science fields used in a wide range of industries. The influence of scientific research and…
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a Digital Marketer
Digital marketers have to be highly creative and have good communication skills. They use digital platforms and electronic devices such as social media, websites, search engines, and email to attract people to a specific product or business. Digital marketing is…
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a Designer
Creative industries are very broad and extend to many fields. They’re also known for cultivating an environment that breeds insecurities, whether you’re a veteran in the field or you’ve just accepted your dream job in design. Working in such a…
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a Project Manager
Imposter syndrome in project management is more common than you might think because project managers are often perfectionists. Imposter syndrome is when a professional believes they are a fraud despite being fully qualified for their profession. Project managers are responsible…
Top New Trends in Education for the Future
The worldwide pandemic spurred a significant shift in the current trends in education. One of these new trends in education is the switch to online learning and blended learning with the use of digital apps. The digital trend in education…
Top New Trends in College Career Services for the Future
Having a good student experience and a great support system is what leads to a college student’s future successes, and college career services are a factor that can make the difference. College career services are oriented to offer career counseling…
What’s It Like to Be a Computer Programmer?
Computer programming is a fascinating field that can lead to many different job opportunities in a wide variety of industries. Computer programmers are skilled in using coding languages, developing software, and creating artificial intelligence.  If you’re curious about what it’s…
What’s it Like to Be a Business Analyst?
If you want to become a business analyst and pursue a business and data integration career, it is essential to find out what a day in the life of a business analyst looks like. We will also cover the average…
What’s It Like to Be a Sales Rep?
The job of a sales rep can be exhilarating, stressful, and challenging. The role is in high demand across different industries. A day in the life of a sales rep is filled with emails, phone calls to and from clients,…
What’s It Like to Be a Medical Coder?
Medical coding is becoming an increasingly popular career. Becoming a medical coder in the healthcare industry is relatively easy and offers an attractive salary and lifestyle. In this article, we will look at what a day in the life of…
What’s It Like to Be a Speech Pathologist?
If your career goals include helping people overcome their physical and psychological challenges, then you might consider building a career as a speech-language pathologist. Sometimes called speech therapists, speech pathologists work in various settings to provide effective care to patients…
What’s It Like to Be a Marketing Manager?
A day in the life of a marketing manager is very different from that of any other professional. This is because marketing managers are some of the most versatile and essential operatives in any organization, and a role in marketing…
Top New Trends in College Admissions for the Future
Are you a student looking for the right college for you? Read this article and learn about the current trends in college admissions. There are lots of changes occurring in the college admissions process you need to know before applying…
What’s It Like to Be a Computer Engineer?
Do you love learning about and building electronic equipment? Then a career in computer engineering could be a great option for you. Computer engineering is a dynamic career path that combines technology with innovation and job opportunities in this field…
What’s It Like to Be a Day Trader?
If you aspire to trade stocks, get into blockchain trading, or take the next step in your finance career, this guide is for you. We’ll show you what a day in the life of a day trader looks like and…
What’s It Like to Be a Graphic Designer?
Thinking about becoming a graphic designer? One of the best ways to decide on a career path is by getting familiar with the daily activities of professionals in the field and seeing if they match your interest and align with…
What’s It Like to Be a Photographer?
Being a photographer may sound glamorous and easy. Press a few buttons, and you’ve got your shots. But there is much more to it than that. In this guide, we will explore a day in the life of a photographer.…
What’s It Like to Be a Software Engineer?
If you’re reading this article, you must be wondering what it’s like to be a software engineer. If a career in software engineering is something you’re interested in pursuing, you should know what to expect. You may be assuming that…
Top New Trends in AI for the Future
Chatbots, facial recognition devices, virtual assistants, and autocorrect are some of the real-world AI examples you interact with daily. The field of artificial intelligence is vast and has impacted multiple industries. According to Statista, the global market in AI accrued…
Top New Trends in Business for the Future
Being your own boss is a dream many people wish for. The most straightforward way to accomplish this is by starting your own business. When you are your own boss, there are perks you will find along the way, including…
A Guide to High-Paying Jobs That Require a Master’s Degree
Jobs that require a master’s degree are becoming more and more common as modern-day employers increase the educational standards for their employees. In some fields, it might be worth getting a master’s degree or a doctorate just to be shortlisted.…
What Jobs Use SQL? A Comprehensive Guide
If you’re fascinated by all things data, then learning the SQL computer language would be a good use of your time, especially if you’re looking for a career in database administration, software engineering, or other database roles.  Before you invest…
Top New Trends in Entrepreneurship for the Future 
The way we do business has changed exponentially and 2022 brings in new trends in entrepreneurship. Building a business from the ground up is a challenge that takes effort, time, skill, and resources. The next big challenge is how to…
Medical Coding In 10 Years: Will Medical Coding Become Obsolete?
Medical coders are professionals who use their knowledge of medical terminology, medical codes, and computers to update the medical records of patients in the form of codes. They work alongside other medical professionals and insurance companies in the healthcare industry…
Is C# Worth Learning? 5 Reasons to Learn C#
There are many reasons C# is worth learning in 2022. It is one of the most popular programming languages in the tech industry and is widely used by app developers. Part of that popularity stems from the fact that it…
How to Land the Best Javascript Remote Jobs
JavaScript is one of the easiest web programming languages to learn. JavaScript allows developers to build websites, applications, and other special projects. Ever since the technology boom, JavaScript developers have been in high demand. However, with the onset of the…
How to Land the Best Ruby on Rails Remote Jobs
Ruby on Rails remote jobs are in high demand today. A web application backend developer should learn Ruby on Rails as it is a powerful tool that can provide rapid career growth potential in one of the fastest-growing technology industries.…
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