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Career Advice

To help you find the right career match, we take a look at what’s it like to work in popular tech fields like cyber security, web development, and data science, among others. We also offer advice on what you need to do to explore those careers.

Career Changes for Teachers
Teaching professionally can be fulfilling career; however, it can easily get exhausting. Teachers get burned out easily through mental, physical and emotional exhaustion. The profession certainly involves patience and hard work. While some teachers may spend their whole lives teaching…
What is a Career Coach?
Often we find ourselves at points in our lives where we are unable to make a major decision regarding our careers. For example, how often do you think these thoughts?  Should I leave my current position? Do I need to…
How to Use Indeed to Find a Job in Tech
So you're interested in breaking into tech, but don’t know exactly which job is best for you. Also, you may be going through a coding bootcamp, but you are wondering in the back of your mind if there are jobs…
How to Use Kaggle to Learn Data Science
It’s 2019, and data science is one of the most attractive career options out there. Data scientists get to spend their days working with bleeding-edge tools building models and performing analyses for everything from predicting rainfall to trading the stock…
What Are the Common Challenges Facing Mobile Developers?
It’s likely that you’re one of the approximately 1000% of people who use smartphones. This being the case, you’re familiar with the vast array of applications available for everything from meal planning to time tracking to banking to identifying plant…
The Most Mind-Blowing Technology Industry Books of 2019
Technology is everywhere today, from the hottest jobs to the most influential business trends. Staying on top of the technology conversation is crucial to folks who want to have successful tech careers. Having a current reading list of the most…
The Most Important IT Industry Trends of 2019
As a techie working in one of the hottest IT sectors around today, you’re no doubt aware of how quickly tech-based business changes. If you want to succeed in technology, you need to stay on top of the latest approaches.…
Top Tech Design Careers
Virtually anyone can leverage their natural aptitudes in the tech industry, and artistic design is no exception. There are all sorts of design careers in tech, and each offers you a chance to earn a high salary. No matter what…
The Most Useful Digital Marketing Types for Your Company
You finished your coding bootcamp, and you’re ready to take your new programming talents to start a company and work for yourself. It’s a fabulous dream, but you’ll need to reach your customers to stay competitive. Knowing the most useful…
How Much Do Web Developers Make?
When you think about a well-paying career, what do you imagine? If you’re thinking about skilled trade professionals, lawyers, and medical professionals, you’d be right—but there’s a new and lucrative position that also pays very well. As we already know,…
The Top Digital Marketing Examples You Can Use to Boost Business
Now that you’ve finished your training, you’re ready to start your first tech job. If you opt to go off on your own and start your own tech business, you’ll need to give yourself every chance to succeed, and that…
How to Apply the Pareto Principle in Life
You’re a pretty bright person, right? You’ve got a fantastic tech career, and time management tools like the Pareto Principle help you prioritize your tasks so that you spend your work day on only the most essential jobs. You can…
When to Use Pareto Principle Time Management in the Tech World
When you have top-rate tech skills and the experience to back them up, you’re a hot commodity and can find amazing jobs in all sorts of technical fields. As you progress in your career, though, you’ll discover that those great…
80/20 in Action: Pareto Principle Examples
If you’re familiar with the business world, you know that even the best tech jobs have to deal with time crunches and overscheduling. It’s easy to get swamped with unimportant tasks and miss out on completing truly important ones, but…
How to Impress a Client in First Meeting Situations
After you’ve finished your tech training and looked around at the top tech jobs, you might find yourself opting to start your own tech business. Way to go, you hard-charging business animal, you! You’re the sort of person who makes…
The Top Tech Company Introduction Email to Client Approaches
You’ve finally made the big leap from your dreams to reality. You’ve finished coding bootcamp, and you’re ready to jump into one of the hot tech professions and start servicing customers. To get the sort of customer attention your new…
What Is Kanban Project Management and Why Should You Use It?
As a project manager, you have to constantly deal with complex tasks that have tons of moving parts. You have to maintain relationships with high-paid software developers and remain responsive to your client’s needs at the same time. Having an…
The Top Scrum Project Management Course Opportunities for 2019
As a coder, you’ve worked on both front end and backend applications and have been a member in countless project teams. Now, you’re ready to make the jump to project management, and you want to start getting some training and…
How to Become a Web Developer: What Is the Best Web Developer Career Path?
Web developers built the Internet, and they will continue to be vital as long as people use websites every day. Every webpage or piece of software we use has been meticulously programmed by a web developer. As the popularity of…
Waterfall Project Management vs. Agile Project Management: Which One Should You Use?
Getting into project management is a fantastic career move. Software development and project management are some of the best tech jobs around today, and they’re becoming more important to businesses every year. If you have both software and managerial skills…
Top 5 Technology Careers in Demand
The technology industry is a continuously moving entity that is always changing and expanding. While innovation is a wonderful thing, automation and technological changes can also lead to shifts in job demand. So, with the tech industry changing in the…
How to Become a Visual Designer
Do you have a technical bent and want to work with computers, but you also have a creative and visual flair and hope to put those talents to use in your work? You sound like the perfect candidate for visual…
Five Businesses You Can Start with Tech Skills
Tech is awesome. Thanks to the recent innovations in computing and communication, it’s now possible to start a myriad of new businesses—some from home—with just a few months of technology training. The future looks bright for people with tech skills,…
Imposter Syndrome: Conquering Your Fears To Break Into Tech
Photo by Monique Hawkins “What would you attempt in life if you knew you could not fail?” This question was posed to me by a friend over dinner.  It sent me through a quandary of emotions that only my Career…
The Top Four Sites to Find Junior Developer Jobs
You’ve finally made it through training, and you’re ready to enter the workforce. You’re a brand-new coder, fresh out of college, bootcamp, or self-education, and it’s time to start job hunting. Knowing the top sites to find junior developer jobs…
How to Start a Web Design Career
Web design is a growing career opportunity in the tech industry, and it comes in many varieties. Creative people flock to web development because of its design-heavy subfields such as front end development and web design. People with excellent visual…
List of Careers in Technology
Technology is one of the fastest-growing industries and job markets in the world. Frankly, it’s easy to see why the tech world has garnered so much success. Not only are jobs in the tech sector fulfilling, they usually come stacked…
Careers in Technology and Design
Ah, the age-old tale of left-brained vs. right-brained folks. Many have always believed that a person is either analytical and technology-driven (“left-brained”), or they are creative and artistically-driven (“right-brained”). However, this is mostly likely not the case! Why can’t a…
How to Become a Web Developer from Home
Starting your own business is a dream that many of us have had at one time or another. We work hard and do good work, and it’s natural to want to get the most out of our labors. Web development…
Career and Technical Education Pathways
In the 21st century, most people are taught to go to high school, college, and even graduate school to secure a well-paying job or career. However, many people learn later that this is not the only way to do it.…
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