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Career Advice

To help you find the right career match, we take a look at what’s it like to work in popular tech fields like cyber security, web development, and data science, among others. We also offer advice on what you need to do to explore those careers.

How to Become a Community Health Worker
Have you ever wanted to be a leader in your community and help make positive change? If so, you should consider a career as a community health worker. CHWs serve as a liaison between public health services, like social service…
Environmental Science Careers: How You Can Help Save Earth
As the world progresses and environmental issues arise, the demand for people to fill environmental science careers continues to grow. The world is facing several environmental issues at the moment, ranging from global warming to pollution and public health challenges…
Best ISTJ Career Matches in Tech
When searching for a new career path, you want to find an opportunity that not only matches your skill set but also your personality type. Personalities are core to who we are, and they typically don’t drastically change throughout our…
Best ISTP Career Matches
Whether you're deciding on a major in college or researching a career, you are likely considering factors like work environment, salary, and long-term growth potential. However, one of the most important factors is often overlooked: is this career a good fit for…
How to Write a Two Weeks’ Notice Letter
You’ve decided that you are going to quit your job. Now there’s only one thing left to do: write a two weeks' notice letter informing your current employer that you intend to leave. When you are about to leave a…
How to Become a Pediatrician: Pediatric Training and Primary Care
If you want to work with children, you have likely considered careers such as teaching and nannying, but have you ever wondered how to become a pediatrician? With a good salary and the ability to help care for kids, this…
How to Become an Insurance Agent: Help People in Their Time of Need
When people are in need, do you often wish you could help them? By learning how to become an insurance agent, you could be the one who delivers that much-needed check to someone whose home just burned to the ground…
How to Study for the ACT: Improve Your Test Scores
Getting into college is a big deal. That's why learning how to study for the ACT is so important. You must pass standardized college testing with flying colors. The main tests are the SAT and ACT.  Out of the two,…
Top 5 ISFP Career Matches
We all have spent time debating what our career path will look like. What do I want to do? What am I passionate about? What kind of company am I looking to work for? We spend an immense amount of time ruminating…
The Top ENTJ Career Matches for 2020
If you have the Briggs-Myers personality type that emphasizes extroversion (E), intuition (N), thinking (T), and judging (J), you love to be in charge of orderly systems. That makes you and famous ENTJs like Margaret Thatcher, Franklin Roosevelt, Whoopie Goldberg,…
Top ENFP Careers for Techies
If you’ve spent any time on this big, beautiful funhouse ride we call the internet, you probably have taken one or more personality quizzes. There are personality quizzes all over the place, and many of them go in-depth and do an excellent…
INTJ Jobs: The Best INTJ Careers
The best careers for INTJ personalities are those professions that cater to the skills and personality traits common among INTJs. INTJ is one of the rarest types of all the Myers-Briggs Type Indicators (MBTI). MBTI is a sixteen personality type…
INFP Careers: The Best Jobs for “The Mediator”
For INFPs, finding the right career path can certainly be challenging. Indeed, INFPs make up only 4% of the population, and our characteristics are often at odds with many job types. That's why we've put this piece together. We'll show…
How Long it Takes to Become a Doctor
A career as a doctor is frequently deemed one of the noblest jobs in the world. Though the education and training requirements can be challenging, 90 percent of doctors report high job satisfaction. If you’re wondering how to become a…
Fuse Your Passions: How to Become a Welder
You’ve probably seen welders before: they wear a big mask or helmet, wield a welding torch, and work with metal. If you’re interested in jobs where you work with your hands, learning how to become a welder is a fantastic…
Invest in Yourself: How to Become an Entrepreneur
Everyone has ideas. They're what make the world go round. However, what differentiates a good idea from a marketable business venture? If you want to start your own business, then learning how to become an entrepreneur may be a wise…
INFJ Careers: The Best INFJ Jobs in 2020
INFJs are creative people who have a strong sense of integrity and drive to help others. INFJ is the rarest personality type in the population. It is the least common personality type among men and third least among women. And, like all personality…
How to Become a Home Inspector Without a Degree
What is a home inspector? If you have ever bought or sold a home, you probably know the answer to this question. But have you ever considered learning how to become a home inspector? Learning how to become a home…
How to Become a Tax Preparer: Get Your PTIN
Doing your taxes can be stressful. It’s something most people don’t look forward to. If you want to be trained and specialized in helping others prepare their taxes, then you should learn how to become a tax preparer. Anyone can…
How to Become a Detective: Gain Experience and Land Your Dream Job
Becoming a detective is often considered a difficult career to achieve, but that is a common misconception. If you are interested in learning how to become a detective, read on to discover just how simple the process actually is. What…
Why You Should Become a Notary
Official paperwork often needs a stamp of approval from a professional called a notary public. But what exactly is a notary and where can you learn how to become a notary? Below is Career Karma’s guide to what it means…
How to Become a Carpenter: Work With Your Hands
Building something with your hands (assisted by some power tools) can be an extremely satisfying feeling. If you want to learn how to become a carpenter, then read on to learn why a carpentry career is a mixture of careful…
How to Become a Park Ranger: Turn Your Love of the Environment into a Career
Seeing nature, enjoying the beauty of our state and national parks, these are things everyone should get to enjoy. If you want to help everyone enjoy the beauty of our parks while also preserving them, then you should learn how…
How to Become an Actor: Overcoming Rejection to Land Your Big Break
There is no magical formula on how to become an actor: there are many possible paths to get there. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to move to New York City or Los Angeles to make it as an…
How to Become an Air Traffic Controller in 2020
Ever wondered how planes coordinate in the air while traveling across continents and oceans? Without air traffic controllers, none of it would be possible. If you want to make sure pilots and passengers arrive at their destinations safely, then learning…
How to Become a Vet Tech: A Career Guide for Animal Lovers
Pets need careful love and attention and sometimes the help of a trained veterinarian. If you want to help veterinarians with procedures and check-ups to keep animals healthy, then you should learn how to become a vet tech. Being a…
How to Become a Music Producer
Music producers oversee all facets of a recording session and production of a recording artist’s music. Music producers have many roles that include gathering songs, controlling the process through mixing and mastering, and coaching an artist. Becoming a music producer…
How To Become A Pilot
Being above the clouds and looking at the city below brings a sense of excitement to anyone. Flying high among the clouds staring out through the window makes anyone feel calmed and relaxed. You trust the pilot to get you…
Education Options to Become a Midwife
When you hear the term ‘midwife,’ you may think of it as an archaic term that we have moved past as a society. However, that couldn’t be more incorrect and many people are still learning how to become a midwife.…
Job Outlook if Looking to Become a Journalist
Journalism is appealing to almost anyone who enjoys creative writing and educating others about current events. If this sounds like you, you should learn how to become a journalist. Being able to combine two passions for a paying job is…
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