There is a wide range of factors to consider when choosing the best online medical billing and coding associate degrees. Prospective students should consider the course content, accreditation, student-teacher ratio, employment outcomes, and graduation rates.
This guide contains all the information you need if you are considering an online associate degree in medical billing and coding. It outlines different programs, types of medical billing and coding associate degree jobs, and whether online medical billing and coding associate degrees are worth it.
Where Can I Get a Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Online?
Some of the best schools to get an online medical billing and coding associate degree are Davenport University, Herzing University, Central Maine Community College, Northwest Iowa Community College, and Keiser University. If you are considering where to get your medical billing and coding associate degree online, keep reading for a detailed list of schools to choose from.
What Schools Offer the Best Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degrees?
- Davenport University
- Herzing University
- Central Maine Community College
- Northwest Iowa Community College
- Keiser University
What Are the Admission Requirements for an Online Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree?
The admission requirements for an online medical billing and associate degree are a high school diploma or general education diploma (GED) and high school transcripts. Some schools require standardized test scores, such as SAT or ACT, while non-native English speakers may be required to submit proof of English proficiency.
Prospective students can begin their application on the official school page of the associate degree program. An application fee is sometimes required during the college application process. Less common requirements for an associate in medical billing and coding online program include letters of recommendation and a GPA of at least 2.0.
Online Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Admission Requirements
- High school diploma or general education diploma (GED)
- Letters of recommendation
- Standardized test scores
- Proof of English proficiency for non-native English speakers
How to Get a Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Online
You can get a medical billing and coding associate degree online by fulfilling all the education requirements for graduation. This includes completing a minimum of 60 credit courses comprising major core courses, general education courses, and electives.
Medical Billing and Coding Degree Requirements
- Major core courses
- 15 credits of general education courses
- Elective courses
- GPA of at least 2.0
Best Online Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Programs and Schools: Overview
School | Program | Accreditation |
Central Maine Community College | Associate of Applied Science in Medical Coding and Electronic Health Records | New England Commission of Higher Education |
Davenport University | Associate of Applied Science in Health Information Technology | Higher Learning Commission |
Herzing University | Associate of Applied Science in Medical Coding | Higher Learning Commission |
Highland Community College | Associate of Applied Science in Medical Coding | Higher Learning Commission |
Indian Hills Community College | Association of Applied Science in Health Information Technology | Higher Learning Commission |
Keiser University | Associate of Science in Medical Administrative Billing and Coding | Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges |
Minnesota State Community and Technical College | Associate of Applied Science in Health Information Technology/Coding | Higher Learning Commission |
Northwest Iowa Community College | Associate of Applied Science in Health Information Technology | Higher Learning Commission |
Northwest Technical College | Associate of Applied Science in Medical Coding | Higher Learning Commission |
Weber State University | Associate of Applied Science in Health Information Technology | Northwest Commission of Colleges and Universities |
Best Schools for Medical Billing and Coding: Top Online Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Programs
The best online schools for an associate degree in medical billing and coding will provide all the hard skills you need to land an entry-level job. Keep reading to learn more about the top schools for an online medical billing and coding associate degree program.
What Is an Online Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree?
An online medical billing and coding associate degree is a two-year program that equips students with technical skills and practical experience for entry-level careers in the health information field.
It covers specialized courses such as human anatomy, ethical issues, diagnosis, procedural coding, patient account management, US healthcare systems, and insurance plans and regulations. Getting your medical billing and coding associate degree online can also prepare you to take medical coding certification exams.
Online vs In-Person Medical Billing and Coding Degrees
The main difference between online and in-person medical billing and coding associate degrees is that students do not have to go to campus to attend classes. Students learn through digital instruction and lectures that are pre-recorded or offered live.
Online medical billing and coding degrees are a great choice for students who want to balance academics with family, work, and other personal commitments. Below are some benefits of both options to help you decide if you want to earn your associate in medical billing and coding online vs on campus.
Top 5 Benefits of an Online Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding
- Flexibility. Online degrees offer more flexibility than in-person degrees. They allow you to take classes on your own schedule and at your own pace.
- Accessibility. Online medical billing and coding degrees remove geographical barriers. They enable students to attend university from anywhere in the world.
- Lower tuition rates. Online programs have more affordable tuition rates. Students spend less on tuition and other educational expenses. They are also spared from miscellaneous expenses, such as transportation, accommodation, and parking.
- Increased networking opportunities. Attending an online degree program will connect distance learners with fellow students and instructors from different parts of the world.
- Perfect for people with busy lives. Online medical billing and coding associate degrees require a smaller time commitment than in-person degrees.
Top 5 Benefits of an In-Person Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding
- Interaction with the instructor and other students. In-person students enjoy direct interaction with the instructor and other students. They can ask questions directly and forge close relationships with other students.
- Hands-on training for a hands-on career. Medical billing and coding students need effective hands-on training and professional experience to succeed in their careers. It is easier to gain hands-on experience in physical classes than in online classes.
- Interpersonal skills. With opportunities for interaction with students and teachers, in-person degrees aid the development of interpersonal skills.
- Distraction-free environment. Universities provide facilities like classrooms, laboratories, and lecture halls. These offer a distraction-free environment for successful learning.
- Sense of motivation. Studying with other students on campus can provide motivation and improve academic performance.
What Types of Online Associate Degree Can You Get in Medical Billing and Coding?
You can get the following types of associate degrees for medical billing and coding:
- Associate of Science
- Associate of Applied Science
An Associate of Science in medical billing and coding is primarily a transfer degree that prepares students to earn their bachelor’s degrees. On the other hand, an associate of applied science is more focused on equipping students with the technical skills to gain entry-level positions after the program. You can get either type of degree entirely online.
Is It Better to Get an Associate of Science or Associate of Applied Science in Medical Billing and Coding?
It is better to get an Associate of Science degree if you have an interest in pursuing a bachelor’s degree after the completion of the associate degree. If you want to seek employment in a medical coding position immediately after graduation, then it is better to get an Associate of Applied Science degree in medical billing and coding.
How Much Does a Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Cost?
Online associate degree programs in medical billing and coding cost about $11,391, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Without paying for accommodation, a degree can cost as little as $3,377. These values will also vary depending on the type of school.
Students in private schools may spend as much as $26,749 to get the degree. You can sometimes lower your online associate in medical billing and coding cost of tuition by applying for scholarships and financial aid.
How Long Does It Take to Get a Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Online?
It takes about two years to get a medical billing and coding associate degree online. The program is a 60-credit hour program, consisting of core courses, general education courses, and elective courses. A student will have to take 15 credit units per semester to graduate in 2 years.
Are Online Medical Billing and Coding Degrees Respected?
Yes, online medical billing and coding degrees are respected. They are as thorough and intensive as traditional degrees. They also have the same coursework so online learners and in-person students gain the same knowledge and technical skills. Gaining an accredited online medical billing and coding degree is as good as an in-person one.
Online degrees are fast becoming the preferred option for students. The National Center for Education Statistics reports that over 3,450,125 students enrolled in exclusively distance education courses in 2019. Since the shift to online education with the COVID-19 pandemic, online degrees are popular as ever.
Is Medical Billing and Coding Hard to Learn Online?
Yes, medical billing and coding is hard to learn online. There are three major coding systems and learning each system is like learning a new language. Students will also need to learn the tactics of medical billing and become proficient with professional software to code records and bill patients. Many students find it is hard to take medical billing and coding online because it requires hard work to master the industry codes and classification systems.
Why You Should Get a Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Online
You should get a medical billing and coding associate degree online because it provides flexibility, accessibility, and networking opportunities, and costs less than in-person degrees. You can take courses at your own pace and fit classes into your schedule. It is the best choice for people who prefer the distance learning model.
One of the main benefits of a medical billing and coding degree online program is that you can study from anywhere in the world. You also might be able to find a flexible program that allows you to work while you study.
What Courses Do You Take in an Online Associate Degree Program in Medical Billing and Coding?
The courses you will take in an online associate degree program in medical billing and coding will provide all the knowledge you need to gain entry-level roles after graduation. Here are some of the associate in medical billing and coding courses that you should expect to take.
Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology
This course teaches students about the structure and function of the human body. It covers biological organization, processes, and organ systems. These include nervous systems, endocrine systems, lymphatic and immune systems, respiratory systems, muscular systems, and reproductive systems.
Revenue Cycle Management
The revenue cycle management course introduces students to the revenue cycle systems used in the health care industry. It covers revenue cycle audits and reporting, reimbursement methodologies, utilization management, and regulatory requirements.
Foundation of Medical Coding
In this course, students learn about coding and classification systems employed in healthcare delivery. It also covers standards of ethical coding according to the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA), functions of Standard Nomenclature of Medical-Clinical Terminology (SNOMED CT), coding guidelines, and general equivalence mapping.
Medical Terminology
The essential course teaches students about the prefixes, suffixes, and root words that make up medical terms. Students will learn how to spell, pronounce, explain, and formulate medical technology.
US Healthcare Systems
The US Healthcare systems course teaches the history and development of the healthcare delivery system. It also explains the job description of a health information professional and their importance in the healthcare delivery system.
Continuing Education Paths for Online Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Graduates
The best path to take with an online medical billing and coding associate degree is for graduates to transfer into a bachelor’s degree program. This will provide a deeper knowledge of the subject and improve their resume. They can also go on to pursue a master’s degree or a doctorate in health informatics.
Medical billing and coding associate degree graduates can also write professional and national certification exams including the Certified Professional coder (CPC), Certified Coding Specialist (CCS), Certified Coding Associate (CCA), Certified Coding Specialist-Physician (CCS-P), Certified Outpatient Coder (COC), and Certified Inpatient Coder (CIC). These will certify them for jobs in the medical system.
Related Online Medical Billing and Coding Degrees
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What to Look For in the Best Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Programs
For both in-person and online programs, the things to look for in the best medical billing and coding associate degree program include accreditation and learning format. During your online school search, it is crucial to complete a thorough review of the school before you apply. If you’re wondering what to look for in an online medical billing and coding program, check out our list of criteria below.
Inquiring about the accreditation status of the online medical billing and coding programs is a critical factor you should not overlook. Accredited schools have proven that they can provide quality education for success in the field.
You should only select medical billing and coding degree programs that have national or regional accreditation as well as accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM). You can use the database of accredited postsecondary institutions and programs to check the accreditation status of your choice school.
Learning Format
Prospective students need to be clear on the learning format before they commit to a school. Some online programs employ an online format and require no visits to the school campus, while others may have in-person clinical requirements, which may require you to come to campus. It is best to know how the online degree program works before starting the admissions process.
Student Services
Prospective students should prioritize schools that offer online student services and student support. These may include mentorship programs, internship opportunities, networking events, academic advising, and technical assistance. The level of student services may determine the quality of your learning experience.
Employment Outcomes
Most universities display the employment outcome statistics of graduates on the student’s-right-to-know page. The post-graduation success of students will indicate whether the program is recognized and valued by employers in the job market.
The Reputation of the School
The reputation of the school is important during your school search for an online degree. A good reputation gives credibility to your degree and this will translate to a favorable standing in the job market.
What Is the Most Affordable Online Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree?
The most affordable online medical billing and coding associate degree program is the Associate of Applied Science in Medical Coding and Electronic Health Record at Central Maine Community College. It is a 62-credit-hour program. It cost $96 per credit for both in-state and out-of-state students. Overall, it costs around $5,952 to obtain an online medical coding degree from this school.
Can I Get a Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Online for Free?
No, you cannot get a free online associate degree in medical billing and coding. However, there are financial student aid programs that students can apply for to alleviate education costs. These include grants, scholarships, loans, and work-study programs. Most schools encourage students to sign up for the Free Application for Federal Student Aids (FAFSA).
Students who are looking to learn medical billing and coding for free should consult massive open online courses (MOOCs) and resources such as Coursera, edX, and MIT OpenCourseWare.
Salary and Job Outlook for Online Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Graduates
An online medical billing and coding associate degree is the fastest and cheapest way to become a medical coder. Upon completion of the online degree, graduates can seek entry-level positions in the healthcare field at hospitals, medical facilities, insurance companies, public health agencies, healthcare organizations, and other healthcare providers.
How Hard Is It to Get a Job With a Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree?
It is not very hard to get a job with an online medical billing and coding associate degree. It is a fast-growing field with massive demand for skilled medical coding professionals. Online medical coding programs employ a hands-on approach to learning and students gain the necessary practical skills they need to begin their careers immediately after graduation.
Moreover, some schools offer career services to help students position themselves for high-paying roles in the industry. This includes resume and cover letter assistance, exclusive job boards, and internships.
What’s the Average Online Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Salary?
The average salary for someone with a medical billing and coding associate degree is $32,000 per year, according to PayScale. The salaries for medical billing and coding associate degree graduates may vary depending on the location, position, and expertise. You can increase your online associate degree in medical billing and coding salary by gaining additional experience.
What Jobs Can You Get With an Online Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree?
Some jobs you can do with an online medical billing and coding associate degree are as a health information management supervisor, medical records and information specialist, medical billing specialist, medical assistant, and medical transcriptionist. After you graduate, you will find it is not hard to get a job with an online medical billing and coding associate degree.
Medical Billing and Coding Degree Jobs
- Health information management supervisor
- Medical records and information specialist
- Medical billing specialist
- Medical assistant
- Medical transcriptionist
Potential Careers With an Online Medical Billing and Coding Degree
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How Much Money Can You Make With an Online Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree?
You can make between $35,850 and $52,101 per year with an online medical billing and coding associate degree. The annual salary will depend on where you work, your location, and your experience. Here are some of the highest-paying online medical and coding associate degree jobs and salaries.
Highest-Paying Online Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Jobs and Salaries: Overview
Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Jobs | Average Salary |
Health information management supervisor | $52,284 |
Medical records and information specialist | $51,840 |
Medical billing specialist | $40,242 |
Medical assistants | $37,190 |
Medical transcriptionists | $30,100 |
Best Jobs for Online Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Grads
This section contains a list of the best jobs for online medical billing and coding associate degree holders. It includes related information like the average salaries, job outlook, number of jobs, and highest-paying states.
Best Jobs According to Your Major
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Is an Online Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Worth It?
Yes, an online medical billing and coding associate degree is worth it for students who want to work in the health care field but not be directly involved in medical services. Upon graduation, you will be able to work in positions such as medical coder, health information manager, and medical assistant.
An associate degree in a medical coding program has lower tuition costs than an undergraduate degree in the field and provides the necessary skills and education to land entry-level jobs in healthcare. Students will also benefit from career services to help them kickstart their careers after graduation.
Additional Reading About Medical Billing and Coding
Online Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree FAQ
The best schools for medical and coding are Davenport University, Herzing University, Central Maine Community College, Northwest Iowa Community College, and Keiser University. All the schools in this guide are notable mentions.
The best certifications for medical coding are Certified Professional Coder (CPC), Certified Coding Specialist (CCS), and Certified Medical Coder (CMC). Medical coding associate degree graduates can also pursue more specialized certificate programs to advance their careers and earn higher salaries.
Yes, medical coders can work from home. This depends on the working arrangements with the employer. Working remotely promotes a healthy work-life balance, which helps to improve your job satisfaction.
Yes, you can become a medical coder online by earning an online medical billing and coding associate degree. There is a wide range of online schooling options for people who want to become medical coders.
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