The best medical billing and coding associate degrees can meet the increasing demand for professionals in the health information technology sector. It can be difficult to decide whether to earn a health information technology degree online or on-campus, and which program and school to select. This guide helps answer all of your questions.
Earning an Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding gives those aspiring to enter this growing field a pathway to an entry-level job. Medical billing and coding associate degree jobs require a specific skillset and specific experience that the best medical billing and coding associate degree programs provide.
Where Can I Get an Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding?
You can get an Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding through tech universities and colleges. Some of the best schools to get a medical billing and coding associate degree are Arkansas Tech University, Keiser University, and Tulsa Community College.
What Schools Offer the Best Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degrees?
- Keiser University
- Arkansas Tech University
- Northwest Technical College
- Cowley County Community College
- Tulsa Community College
What Are the Admission Requirements for an Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding?
The admission requirements for a medical billing and coding associate degree are usually an application form, a high school diploma, standardized test scores, and letters of recommendation. Some schools may also require you to fill out a FAFSA form along with the application form.
Each school has different admission requirements for an Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding. An application form is usually required by all schools, while recommendation letters might be optional. Some also want students to submit their high school transcripts and other documents such as credit transfer or a certification.
Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Admission Requirements
- High school diploma or GED
- 2.5 CGPA
- ACT or SAT scores
- Recommendation letter
- FAFSA form
How to Get a Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree
You can get a medical billing and coding associate degree by fulfilling all of the graduation requirements. Otherwise, they might not get an associate degree even after taking part in a two-year program. These requirements usually include completion of credit hours and other standards, such as a minimum CGPA or a certain level of experience through coursework and fieldwork.
How Many Credits Do You Need for an Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding?
You need 60 credits for an Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding. The credits are usually broken down into 15 credit hours per semester, which is 30 credit hours per year. Some schools may follow a quarterly program instead of a semester-based program. Their credit hours requirement might vary slightly.
Medical Billing and Coding Degree Requirements
- Completion of 60 credit hours
- 2.5 CGPA
- Coursework
- Practicum
- Internship
Best Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Programs and Schools: Overview
School | Program | Accreditation |
Arkansas Tech University | Associate Degree in Health Information Technology | Higher Learning Commission |
Cowley County Community College | Associate of Applied Science in Medical Coding | Higher Learning Commission |
Keiser University | Associate of Science in Medical Administrative Billing and Coding | Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges |
Minnesota West Community and Technical College | Associate of Applied Science in Health Information Technology | Higher Learning Commission |
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College | Associate of Science in Health Information Technology | Higher Learning Commission |
Northwest Technical College | Associate of Applied Science in Medical Coding | Higher Learning Commission |
Saint Paul College | Associate of Applied Science in Health Information Technology | Higher Learning Commission |
Tulsa Community College | Associate of Applied Science in Health Information Technology | Higher Learning Commission |
Tyler Junior College | Associate of Applied Science in Medical Office Management | Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges |
Volunteer State Community College | Associate of Applied Science in Health Information Technology | Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges |
Best Schools for Medical Billing and Coding: Top Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Programs
Many coding schools offer on-campus and hybrid associate degree programs in medical billing and coding and related fields. Here is a list of some of the best schools for medical billing and coding associate degree programs for you to consider.
What Is a Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree?
A medical billing and coding associate degree is a two-year program to learn about efficient maintenance of patient records and medical coding. This degree paves the way to enter a career in the field of healthcare administration. The program covers skills development and learning concepts related to medical billing and coding.
Earning an Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding prepares students for entry-level jobs in a relevant field. The basic skills taught in this program include medical records analysis, classification of medical processes, and coding. It is not directly related to medicine but rather concerned with healthcare information technology.
How Important Is an Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding?
An Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding is very important. It offers a quick pathway to prepare students for entry-level jobs in the field of healthcare information technology. This is a good start to a career in healthcare, with opportunities to find credible jobs at health agencies. The degree provides the basic fundamental knowledge required to earn further degrees and certifications in this field.
What Types of Associate Degree Can You Get in Medical Billing and Coding?
You can get different types of Associate Degrees in Medical Billing and Coding. The most common types of degrees offered in this subject include an Associate of Science and an Associate of Applied Science.
Is It Better to Get an Associate of Science or Associate of Applied Science in Medical Billing and Coding?
It is better to get an Associate of Applied Science in Medical Billing and Coding. An Associate of Applied Science is better than an Associate of Science in Medical Billing and Coding because it offers more opportunities for skill-based learning.
The field of health information technology involves practical experiences and work including the use of different tools and techniques. An applied science associate degree is better for this type of study that covers hands-on learning.
What Is the Difference Between a Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree and a Medical Billing and Coding Certificate?
The difference between a medical billing and coding associate degree and a medical billing and coding certificate is the duration of program completion. A coding certification program or diploma in medical billing and coding offered by a community college or professional organization takes nine to 12 months to complete. It takes two years to earn an associate degree.
Due to the longer duration of an Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding, you obtain in-depth knowledge of the fundamental concepts of health information technology. It also allows you to transfer credits if you plan to pursue a bachelor’s degree in the same field of study.
How Much Does It Cost to Get an Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding?
It costs an average of $16,445 per year to get an on-campus Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding, as reported by the National Center for Education Statistics. An off-campus associate degree costs around $19,304 on average, unless the student is living with family when it is $10,024 on average per year.
The total cost includes different educational expenditures including tuition, fees, books, and supplies, as well as traveling and accommodation. It may vary slightly depending on the school and the program.
How Long Does It Take to Get a Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree?
It takes two years to get a medical billing and coding associate degree. The duration remains the same whether you are pursuing an on-campus degree or an online degree. The completion of a degree depends on the completion of credits allocated to these years.
An associate degree usually requires you to complete 60 credits divided into either four semesters or six quarters. One must complete 15 credit hours per semester to complete the degree in two years. In case a student fails to do so, they might have to spend additional time completing the credit hours and qualifying to earn the degree.
How Hard Is It to Get an Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding?
It is not very hard to get an Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding. It requires the completion of the required coursework. Colleges usually offer personalized instruction during the completion of the degree program. Students can get professional practice experience under the supervision of experts to refine their skills.
Why Should You Get a Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree?
You should get a medical billing and coding associate degree if you plan to pursue a career in this field. It familiarizes you with the key medical terminology used at the workplace. You also get to learn fundamental computer knowledge, problem-solving skills, and coding skills. This degree opens pathways for starting a healthcare information technology career or pursuing continuing education.
What Courses Do You Need to Take in an Associate Degree Program in Medical Billing and Coding?
You need to take a combination of medical and coding courses in an associate degree program in medical billing and coding. This degree program requires a strong foundation in some core medical subjects. Every school might have a slightly different curriculum but the courses are intended to develop knowledge in the same areas. Here are some of the common courses for an Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding.
Anatomy and Physiology
In this course, students learn the basic concepts of the human body and several systems of the body. They develop an understanding of the skeletal, endocrine, nervous, and muscular systems along with the related key medical terminology. This course also deals with the study of the relation of each system in the functioning of the human body.
Health Information Systems
A course on health information systems focuses on the study of common practices and procedures followed in the American healthcare system. It introduces students to filing and data storage practices to manage data and maintain its confidentiality in medical facilities.
This course introduces students to different types of common diseases, their impact on the human body, and the response of the human body. It is a crucial course for developing an understanding of fundamental healthcare concepts. The medical terminology learned in this course helps students perform better in the workplace.
Medical Billing and Health Insurance
The basic understanding of health insurance concepts is vital for an Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding. It deals with topics such as procedures with health insurance companies, reimbursement and payment systems, auditing practices, coding systems, and fee schedules.
Basic Coding
Medical coding includes assigning a unique code to each disease, sickness, and diagnosis. The coding makes it easy for doctors and other health professionals to quickly identify the disease. It also makes it easier for database management and medical billing. Basic coding covers learning ICD-9 and ICD-10 coding.
Continuing Education Paths for Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Graduates
The continuing education paths for medical billing and coding associate degree graduates include a bachelor’s degree and certifications. Students can apply for admission to a bachelor’s degree program after earning their associate degree or get enrolled in certification programs such as Certified Professional Biller (CPB) and Certified Professional Coder (CPC).
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What to Look For in the Best Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Programs
The things to look for in the best medical billing and coding associate degree programs are accreditation, the flexibility of the program, cost, and career services. These factors determine the credibility and suitability of the degree program for you. Considering these factors can help you make a better decision.
Accreditation helps determine whether the school offering the degree program meets a standard level of quality. It also determines the transferability of credits. Accreditation of coding schools and programs is determined by authorities that ensure that students get a quality education. It is better to choose an accredited school for your associate degree.
The flexibility of the degree program varies from school to school. If you want to maintain a balance between your work, personal, and professional life, you must choose a program that is flexible enough to support your schedule. You can choose from online, on-campus, and hybrid degree programs according to your preference.
The cost of an associate degree program stands as one of the most crucial factors to consider before applying for admission. The cost consists of educational expenditures besides tuition and fees, including books, supplies, and accommodation.
Specialization Option
If a school does not offer a degree in medical billing and coding, you can choose to pursue a broader degree and specialize in your desired field. You must make sure that the degree program you are choosing offers a specialization option to both on-campus and online students.
Career Services
If you plan to enter a career in health information technology, you might be interested in the career services offered by the school. These services help you develop required skills, examine your market readiness, explore career goals and opportunities, and land entry-level jobs conveniently.
What Is the Most Affordable Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree?
The most affordable medical billing and coding associate degree is offered by Tulsa Community College. The program charges $3,445 as annual tuition. The total cost of the program for two years would then be about $6,890. This is the most affordable associate degree program on the list. The total cost includes books, supplies, and other expenditures besides tuition fees.
Salary and Job Outlook for Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Graduates
Health information technology is one of the fastest-growing fields offering some of the best medical billing and coding associate degree jobs. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs for medical records and health information specialists are expected to grow nine percent from 2020 to 2030. Those who earn an associate degree can apply for a job right after graduating.
How Hard Is It to Get a Job With a Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree?
It is not hard to get a job with a medical billing and coding associate degree. There are several job opportunities in medical billing and coding open for these graduates. One must have a good portfolio, including the projects completed during the successful completion of the degree. This helps when applying for high-paying job opportunities.
What’s the Average Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Salary?
The average salary is about $50,000 for someone with a medical billing and coding associate degree, according to PayScale. The salary may deviate from the average stated salary based on your experience and qualifications.
What Types of Jobs Can You Get With a Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree?
The jobs you can do with a medical billing and coding associate degree are medical records and health information specialist, information clerk, medical assistant, pharmacy technician, and medical transcriptionist. These jobs are related to the healthcare field and health information technology industry. With advanced qualifications, you can enhance your job opportunities and earning capacity.
Medical Billing and Coding Degree Jobs
- Medical Records and Health Information Specialist
- Information Specialist
- Information Clerk
- Pharmacy Technician
- Medical Transcriptionist
Potential Careers With a Medical Billing and Coding Degree
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How Much Money Can You Make With an Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding?
You can make between $35,000 to $50,000 per year with a medical billing and coding associate degree. This is the average salary that you can earn through entry-level jobs that are offered to associate degree graduates. If you have some additional skills or enhanced expertise, you can expect to earn more.
There is a wide range of jobs in the health information industry for graduates with an Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding. Here is a list of the highest-paying jobs for associate degree holders along with their job outlook and employment growth.
Highest-Paying Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Jobs and Salaries: Overview
Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Jobs | Average Salary |
Medical Records and Health Information Specialist | $45,240 |
Information Clerk | $37,450 |
Medical Assistant | $37,190 |
Pharmacy Technicians | $36,740 |
Medical Transcriptionist | $30,100 |
Best Jobs for Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree Grads
Medical billing and coding associate degree grads can contend for the best medical billing and coding associate degree jobs soon after completing their degree. Here is a list of the most popular available job opportunities.
Best Jobs According to Your Major
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Is an Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding Worth It?
Yes, an Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding is worth it. It is one of the best degrees for you to pursue if you want to get insight into what it is like to be a medical coder. Earning this degree introduces students to the basic knowledge of medical terminologies, practices, and procedures usually employed in health information technology.
It is vital for beginners and those who want to switch careers to enter the growing field of health information technology. It is necessary to complete all the defined courses, projects, practicums, and internships to gain meaningful knowledge and experiential learning at the same time.
Additional Reading About Medical Billing and Coding
Medical Billing and Coding Associate Degree FAQ
After getting an Associate Degree in Medical Billing and Coding, you can apply for certifications including Certified Professional Coder (CPC), Certified Coding Specialist (CCS), and Certified Outpatient Coding (COC).
It can be difficult to get a high-paying coding or billing job without experience. Usually, medical billers and coders begin by working in entry-level jobs to gain enough experience and learn more about medical office procedures. You can then use that experience to apply for high-paying jobs. As you build your expertise and technical skills, you can make the most of available opportunities in the job market.
Yes, medical billing and coding is a good career. With the increasing influence of technology in every walk of life, there is an increasing need for skilled professionals who can understand and use modern technology-based software. Health information technology is a growing field and medical billing and coding is a good career option in this field.
Yes, medical coders can work from home. Many see this as one of the biggest benefits of becoming a medical coder. You can offer your services as an independent contractor to a healthcare facility that outsources its coding work. For a reliable coding position, having an associate degree helps. As you gain professional experience you can earn more than the median salary.
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