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Pete Anderson

Pete's background is a blend of research and creativity. This makes him an excellent writer and a keen contributor to the Career Karma team. He has about half a decade of experience in content creation. This practical know-how spans across different niches such as blog writing, technical writing, and copywriting. Pete has worked with top brands such as KODAK and Motorola. Outside of work, he spends most of his time trying out new genres of music or reading.

A Guide to High-Paying Jobs That Only Require a Certificate
Today's workforce is growing more diverse and inclusive. With high-paying jobs that only require a certificate, you no longer need a four-year degree program to have a lucrative career. These certificate programs are ideal for people from underprivileged groups, career…
A Guide to Becoming an AI/ML Engineer with WeCloudData
Movies often depict artificial intelligence (AI) as a powerful tool that handles complex tasks effortlessly. Although that is not a perfect picture of AI, it sells the advantages of adopting AI solutions. According to McKinsey’s Global Survey, 33 percent of…
Building a Data Engineering Career with WeCloudData
A career that offers decent pay and job security is the dream of many. That is why many professionals are turning to data-related careers, including common fields like data science, data analytics, machine learning (ML), and business intelligence (BI). But…
Become a Tutor and Generate Extra Income with SuperProf
Whether you're fresh out of school or in between jobs, the path to carving a teaching career is never void of challenges. They vary from the high cost of getting an education and the uncertainty of securing a job to…
Student Outcomes and Alumni Review: Is GoIT Worth It?
Despite Polina Tymchenko’s strong coding background, she struggled with determining where and how to start her programming career. “Because I had a lot of experience in different programming aspects, I didn’t really know which route to take.” It wasn’t until…
SkillReactor Launches a Virtual Work Experience Platform for Software Developers
What does it take to become a successful programmer? Although technical knowledge is essential, the true test of a programmer is their ability to apply their talents to solve unique issues. Programmers must not only be familiar with theoretical concepts.…
How to Build Your Programmer Portfolio and Get Hired with GoIT
When it comes to landing a job, it’s always better to showcase your skills rather than just talk about them. This is especially true in software and web development, where employers need tangible proof that you can write clean code,…
Path Unbound Review: A Customized, Affordable Way to Learn and Launch Your Design Career
There are tons of reasons why everyone should be proponents of design in an increasingly digital world. With users habitually swiping and scrolling through dozens of content daily, brands only have a few seconds before they lose out on potential…
Need Real-World Data Experience? Here’s How WeCloudData’s Portfolio Programs Can Help You
No matter what career you pursue in the field of data, you will need to present tangible proof of your skills and experience to potential employers. A well-developed portfolio helps you do all that in one breath and takes you…
Deep Dive: Why Learn Web Development With GoIT?
Many people are switching into tech careers, searching for better salaries and flexible work environments. Among the popular choices is web development, a field that’s seen significant growth in opportunities as more companies move their operations online. But there’s a…
Are You a Bootcamp Grad? Here’s How to Speed Up Your Job Search with Hirect
In recent years, tech bootcamps have become popular training grounds for beginners looking to transition to the tech industry at a fraction of the time and cost it would take to pursue a college degree. But getting the right training…
How to Build Your First Website From Scratch with GoIT
While some industries are losing skilled employees amid the so-called Great Resignation, the web development industry has been gaining attention from career switchers and fresh graduates alike. It’s easy to see why. Web development is rich with exciting challenges that…
Meet Your Learning Network at WeCloudData
Once upon a time, getting a college degree was the fastest and most effective way into tech, but not anymore. Coding bootcamps have rebranded tech education, bringing an accelerated, project-based learning model which transforms people from newbies to industry-ready within…
How to Improve Problem-Solving Skills as a Software Developer with SkillReactor
There’s more to software development than writing lines of code. In the first place, software developers exist to build applications that meet users’ needs. Netflix, for instance, was built to provide a steady stream of accessible entertainment to the masses.…
Become an Effective Leader with UPenn’s Management Development Program
Leadership isn’t easy. An effective leader wears several different hats throughout an average workday. They need the hard skills to deliver projects on time and under a specific budget while also having the soft skills to put out fires within…
Master Software Development Skills with Catalyte’s Software Developer Apprenticeship Program
More people understand that a degree isn’t necessary to become a successful software developer. Many prestigious companies have dropped degree requirements for several positions. Aspiring tech professionals can now acquire all-around tech training from nontraditional learning paths and still land…
Harness Your Tech and Business Potentials with WeCloudData’s Business Intelligence Bootcamp
Over 150 years after Frederick Taylor introduced a formalized business analytics system, the battle for data has become even fiercer. Businesses need data to make crucial decisions, improve their product or service quality, and ultimately beat the competition. In short,…
A Review of Hirect, a Chat-Based Job Search and Hiring Platform
Hiring and job search are two sides of a coin, each with unique challenges. Getting the right talent with fitting skills and matching values can be a hurdle for hiring managers. Many startups are often overlooked and underserved by traditional…
Alumni Reviews: Can You Find a Tech Job After Cogent University?
The widening skills gap in the tech industry raises a red flag about the future of work. Experts at the International Monetary Fund factor the growing mismatch between the job-rich industries and talent-scarce job market as a cause for the…
Here’s What to Expect from Cogent University’s New Data Analytics Program
Cogent University started with the mission of training the next generation of developers and bridging the skills gap in America’s tech industry. A decade since its inception, Cogent University has trained over 700 graduates and placed them across multiple industries,…
Glossary of AWS Terminology: A Beginner’s Guide
When it comes to cloud computing, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the most popular platforms. It offers a comprehensive suite of cloud-based services, including storage, networking, database, analytics, application services, and deployment tools. However, if you’re just getting…
Top 10 Big Companies Using Laravel
The Laravel PHP framework is the go-to for web development solutions. It is fast, free, and flexible. It also makes web and mobile app development processes quicker and more enjoyable. Companies that use Laravel typically choose it for its easy-to-use…
Outcomes Review: How Cogent University Leads Students to Gainful Employment
No doubt, tech jobs are the future. Quoting Jonathan Grudin, Principal Researcher at Microsoft, “People will create jobs for the future and technology is already central. It will undoubtedly play a greater role in years ahead.”  However, people can sometimes…
Learn How to Think Like a Data Scientist With Brilliant’s STEM e-Learning Platform
In the words of Peter Sondergaard, “Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.” Indeed, the World Economic Forum predicts that, by 2025, the world will generate 463 exabytes of data per day. With…
Three Steps to Get Into Catalyte’s Software Developer Program
The life of a software developer includes long hours of coding, unique daily challenges, and collaborations with teams to develop excellent business solutions. You will need grit, resilience, patience, and a huge passion to excel past the hurdles that come…
2022 Virtual Career Fair: Hired in the Metaverse by Hirect
Hiring can be tedious, especially for recruiters and job seekers. Employers have to process hundreds of applications and organize interviews to find the perfect hire. On the other hand, job seekers often go back and forth with emails to communicate…
Is Haskell Worth Learning? 5 Reasons to Learn Haskell
Haskell is worth learning despite the myth about it being an intimidating and difficult programming language. In reality, Haskell is not difficult. It’s just different because it’s highly specialized. Like learning to play a musical instrument, it may be confusing…
Best Slack Channels for Web Developers Advice and Support
Slack channels for web developers allow users of all skill levels to create, share, and collaborate on creative projects. These dedicated channels often cover a wide array of topics, such as machine learning, coding, and graphic design. If you are…
How Catalyte Offers a Software Developer Program for All
In 2020, a survey by Statista revealed that women only made up 19 percent of the software developer world. It also showed that Black and Latino software developers only constituted 6.2 percent and 5.9 percent, respectively. Accordingly, the survey spelled…
Career Change at 40: Top Jobs for Career Changers
Making a career change at 40 is never easy. Giving up on your current career can feel like a huge risk as you leave behind what you know for something new. But, having the right career change advice at 40…
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