Coding Bootcamp Myths Vs. Facts
The internet is full of myths and misconceptions about coding bootcamps. These days, anybody with a blog can share their opinion, call it a “fact,” and muddy the water. With all of that misleading information out there, it's imperative to…
How to Learn to Code Fast
Coding is an awesome skill to develop and anybody can learn it. Unfortunately, many people get intimidated by programming, and the internet doesn’t help. The web is full of poorly-designed tutorials and bad advice, so coding can seem too daunting…
Best Programming Languages to Learn
There are dozens of coding languages in use today, and choosing the best ones can be daunting. Some programming languages serve a specific purpose, such as website design, while others have more general applications. When determining the best programming languages…
Why Would a Web Developer Move to San Francisco?
The Bay Area is a booming tech metropolis, and San Francisco boasts some of the highest salaries in the country. Pay for tech workers is shockingly high in the city, and web developers are no exception. The average salary for…
Common Coding Bootcamp Interview Mistakes– And How to Avoid Them
During the coding bootcamp interview process, you’ll often be asked to solve basic coding problems. At this point, you should already have a rudimentary understanding of simple coding languages, and you’ll have written some code that works. It’s a great…
What is UX/UI Design?
What do you experience while navigating a website? Color, features, content, and layout all make a massive difference in your takeaway. In short, UX and UI designers are the reason websites don’t look like they did in 2002. Virtually all…