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Alex Consiglio

Editorial Director

Alex joined Career Karma after nearly a decade in journalism. His work has appeared in the Toronto Star, the Toronto Sun, Vice News, the Diplomat, and other newspapers and magazines. After working at the Toronto Star and Toronto Sun, he took a job at Cambodia’s independent newspaper, the Cambodia Daily, where he worked as a reporter, associate editor, and freelance photographer. He then led a news team at the Khmer Times as Chief Sub Editor for a few years before making the transition to digital content management.

Rename Column in Pandas: A Beginner’s Guide
So you want to rename a column in a Python Pandas dataframe. Is that possible? Yes, it is. You use the rename() method to rename an individual column or the “columns” attribute to assign a new set of column headers…
Python typeerror: ‘str’ object is not callable Solution
Mistakes are easily made when you are naming variables. One of the more common mistakes is calling a variable “str”. If you try to use the Python method with the same name in your program,  “typeerror: ‘str’ object is not…
Python SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing Solution
Python is a statically typed language. This means it’s strict about how code is written. If you forget to complete a code block in your code, you get an error like “SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing”. This happens in a…
Python TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: ‘str’ and ‘int’ Solution
Integer values cannot be subtracted from string values and vice versa. This is because strings and integers are separate data types. If you try to subtract a string from an integer, you receive an error like “TypeError: unsupported operand type(s)…
Python local variable referenced before assignment Solution
When you start introducing functions into your code, you’re bound to encounter an UnboundLocalError at some point. This error is raised when you try to use a variable before it has been assigned in the local context. In this guide,…
Python IndexError: tuple index out of range Solution
Like lists, Python tuples are indexed. This means each value in a tuple has a number you can use to access that value. When you try to access an item in a tuple that does not exist, Python returns an…
Python ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10 Solution
Python is good at converting values to different data types. You can convert strings to integers, integers to strings, floats to integers, to name a few examples. There’s one conversion Python does not like: changing a float structured as a…
How Long Should a Cover Letter Be?
How long should a cover letter be? A cover letter should be no longer than one page and no less than half a page. It should be divided into four paragraphs. This length shows hiring managers why you're right for…
JavaScript Random Number: A Complete Guide
To create a random number in Javascript, the math.random() function is used. JavaScript math.random() generates a random decimal value between 0 and 1. The function does not take any arguments. To get random numbers higher than 1 simply multiply the…
Python valueerror: too many values to unpack (expected 2) Solution
Python does not unpack bags well. When you see the error “valueerror: too many values to unpack (expected 2)”, it does not mean that Python is unpacking a suitcase. It means you are trying to access too many values from…
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
An error that begins with “fatal” never sounds good. Do not worry; the cause of the fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git error is simple. This error is raised when you try to run…
Python TypeError: ‘module’ object is not callable Solution
Python modules are confusing, especially when you define your own. “TypeError: ‘module’ object is not callable” is one of the most common mistakes that Python developers make when working with classes. In this guide, we talk about what this error…
Python typeerror: not all arguments converted during string formatting
Python is a stickler for the rules. One of the main features of the Python language keeps you in check so that your programs work in the way that you intend. You may encounter an error saying “not all arguments…
The Python Yield Keyword: A Guide
How to Use the Python Yield Keyword Generators aren’t the most intuitive concept in Python. To make matters worse, they use a special keyword called “yield,” even though generators are themselves functions. What is the yield keyword? How does it…
Amazon Software Engineer Salary
Customer satisfaction and good customer service are at the core of Amazon’s approach to building new products. It’s these principles that help Amazon nurture innovation through its teams of software engineers. You may be wondering what an Amazon software engineer salary might…
Python positional argument follows keyword argument Solution
In Python, there are two types of arguments: positional and keyword arguments. These arguments must appear in a particular order otherwise the Python interpreter returns an error. In this guide, we’re going to talk about the “positional argument follows keyword…
Remove Punctuation Python: A Guide
How to Remove Punctuation from a Python String There are a lot of cases where you may need to remove punctuation from a string. You may want to remove any punctuation from a string number that a user inserts into…
Java Quicksort: A Beginner’s Guide
It can be difficult to wrap your head around the quicksort sorting algorithm. It’s not as intuitive as other sorts like an insertion sort or a bubble sort. Quicksorts are an efficient way of sorting smaller lists. In this guide,…
SQL Constraints: A Beginner’s Guide
One of the great features of databases is that they can restrict the types of values stored in a particular column. This means that you don’t need to validate every value before you try to insert it into a database.…
Python indexerror: list assignment index out of range Solution
An IndexError is nothing to worry about. It’s an error that is raised when you try to access an index that is outside of the size of a list. How do you solve this issue? Where can it be raised?…
Python typeerror: ‘int’ object is not subscriptable Solution
Some objects in Python are subscriptable. This means that they contain, or can contain, other objects. Integers are not a subscriptable object. They are used to store whole numbers. If you treat an integer like a subscriptable object, an error…
Python indexerror: list index out of range Solution
IndexErrors are one of the most common types of runtime errors in Python. They’re raised when you try to access an index value inside a Python list that does not exist. In most cases, index errors are easy to resolve.…
Python nameerror name is not defined Solution
NameErrors are one of the most common types of Python errors. When you’re first getting started, these errors can seem intimidating. They’re not too complicated. A NameError means that you’ve tried to use a variable that does not yet exist.…
Python syntaxerror: EOL while scanning string literal Solution
Even the best developers make syntax errors all the time when they’re coding. Programming languages have so many rules and even one typo can cause an error. If you’ve encountered the error “syntaxerror: EOL while scanning string literal”, don’t worry.…
Python typeerror: string indices must be integers Solution
In Python, iterable objects are indexed using numbers. When you try to access an iterable object using a string value, an error will be returned. This error will look something like “TypeError: string indices must be integers”. In this guide,…
Python typeerror: can’t multiply sequence by non-int of type ‘float’ Solution
While strings can be multiplied by integers to create a repeating sequence, strings cannot be multiplied by floats. Otherwise, Python returns an error. In this article, we’re going to talk about the “typeerror: can t multiply sequence by non-int of…
Python typeerror: a bytes-like object is required, not ‘str’ Solution
TypeErrors happen all of the time in Python. This type of error is raised when you try to apply a function to a value that does not support that function. For example, trying to iterate over a number raises a…
Python typeerror: ‘int’ object is not iterable Solution
Encountering an error is not a problem; it’s a learning opportunity. While developing in Python, you may have seen an error “‘int’ object is not iterable”. What does this mean? How do I solve it? Those are the questions we’re…
Python typeerror: list indices must be integers or slices, not str Solution
String indices must be integers or slices, not strings? What does this error mean? It’s a TypeError, which tells us that we are trying to perform an operation on a value whose type is not compatible with the operation. What’s…
Python typeerror: can only concatenate str (not “int”) to str Solution
You’ve just started writing a Python program and then it hits you: a TypeError. This one’s new to you: "typeerror: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str". What does it mean? Why is it being raised in your code?…
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