In Texas, there are plenty of regionally and nationally accredited universities to choose from regardless of whether you’re going studying for an associate degree or a doctoral program. However, you may not know that there are also accredited online colleges in Texas that can help you meet your education goals without needing to commute.
In this article, we’ll go over the best online schools in Texas for getting the degree you desire. You’ll even have the choice of hybrid classes that take place both online and on campus. Read on to learn about the tuition, graduation rates, and other aspects of the best online colleges in Texas.
Types of Accredited Online Colleges in Texas
Regionally Accredited Online Colleges
Regional accreditation agencies hold jurisdiction over a specific region. They have strict requirements and guidelines that they require universities to meet. Also, the credits earned at a college with a regional accreditation don’t transfer to colleges that have a national accreditation. Regionally accredited colleges are mostly focused on academic programs.
Nationally Accredited Online Colleges
National accreditation agencies have jurisdiction across the US. They provide vocational, technical, and career-oriented courses. The standards set are less strict in comparison to regional accreditation agencies. Due to this, nationally accredited colleges accept transfer credits from other nationally accredited colleges as well as some regionally accredited colleges.
Choosing Between Virtual Schools in Texas: 4 Factors to Consider
When choosing an online school, there are some things that you need to consider. You should read about the school and the educational opportunities it offers to see if it matches your goals. You should also consider the level of education you want to achieve. Don’t forget to also check out the application process and whether there are any special education requirements for first-year applicants.
Quality of Education
During your school search, you should explore the specialized degrees that certain universities offer. Then, check if they are accredited by a reputable national or regional agency. You should also do research into the online college experience that the school provides and see if it caters to part-time or full-time online students.
Tuition Fees
Enrolling in a university is a big investment, so search for online colleges that have affordable tuition rates. Also look for schools that offer good scholarships and financial aid opportunities for prospective students. Finding the most accessible option by comparing tuition fees can help you a lot in your pursuit of a college degree, especially if you’re in it for the long-haul to earn a doctoral degree.
Employment Outlook
Look into the employment opportunities available in Texas to see if the options match your career objectives. According to Career One Stop, there are 662 occupations that are growing in Texas. The top three occupations that require a bachelor’s degree are actuary, information security analyst, and operations research analyst.
Perks and Policies
As a prospective student, you should check if the public institution you’re applying to offers the opportunity to join internships, partner programs with other schools, or student clubs that can help in your future career. Undergraduate applicants who are transfer students should also check the transcript policies of schools to make sure their credits will count toward their degree.
Best Online Colleges in Texas: Overview
School | City | Standard Online Tuition (Per Credit) | Top Online Courses | Accreditation |
Dallas Baptist University (DBU) | Dallas | In-state: $1,127 Out-of-state: $1,127 |
Business Administration, Biblical Studies, Humanities | National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) (National) |
LeTourneau University (LTU) | Longview | In-state: $380-$410 Out-of-state: $380-$410 |
Business, Education, Cyber Security | NC-SARA (National), Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) (Regional) |
Midwestern State University (MSU) | Wichita Falls | In-state: $576 Out-of-state: $998 |
Health Science, Applied Arts and Sciences | Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) (Regional) |
Sam Houston State University (SHSU) | Huntsville | In-state: $625 Out-of-state: $625 |
Behavioral Sciences, Criminal Justice, and Political Science | SACSCOC (Regional) |
Stephen F. Austin State University (SFA) | Nacogdoches | In-state: $562 Out-of-state: $1,004 |
Business, Education, Sciences | SACSCOC (Regional) |
Tarleton State University (TSU) | Stephenville | In-state: $200 Out-of-state: $592 |
Business, Computer Information Systems, Criminal Justice | SACSCOC (Regional) |
Texas A&M University – Commerce (TAMUC) | Commerce | In-state: $218 Out-of-state: $490 |
Business, Criminal Justice, Social Science | SACSCOC (Regional) |
Texas Tech University (TTU) | Lubbock | In-state: $50 Out-of-state: $458 |
Arts, Sciences, Technical Communication | NC-SARA (National), THECB (Regional) |
University of Houston – Clear Lake (UHCL) | Houston | In-state: $307 Out-of-state: $862 |
Anthropology, Business, Public Service | SACSCOC (Regional) |
University of North Texas (UNT) | Denton | In-state: $50 Out-of-state: $458 |
Business, Criminal Justice, Information Science | SACSCOC (Regional) |
Top Online Schools in Texas: Deep Dive
The schools below range from private institutions to public universities. They offer a wide range of online programs including undergraduate degrees and master’s degree courses. Some of these colleges specialize in business, health sciences, or theological studies, while others focus more on agriculture or mass communication and the arts. Read on to find the one that’s right for you.
The data below was taken from the College Scorecard produced by the Department of Education and the National Center for Education and Statistics. It covers important metrics for your school search including graduation rates, acceptance rates, retention rates, and average annual costs.
Dallas Baptist University | NC-SARA
- Graduation Rate: 58%
- Acceptance Rate: 90%
- Retention Rate: 75%
- Student Body: 83% Full-Time and 17% Part-Time
- Average Annual Cost: $26,387
DBU is a private institution that offers a wide range of online graduate and undergraduate programs such as theological studies, criminal justice, and sociology. This Christian university also offers online degree programs for any graduate student who wants to get a degree in business administration. DBU is most notable for its accelerated courses in ministry studies.
LeTourneau University | NC-SARA
- Graduation Rate: 56%
- Acceptance Rate: 45%
- Retention Rate: 77%
- Student Body: 74% Full-Time and 26% Part-Time
- Average Annual Cost: $23,196
LTU is a widely recognized Christian institution located in Longview that specializes in information technology, business, and theology. It offers great support to its online program students through its expansive virtual library of learning materials. It offers graduate degrees in business administration, healthcare, and organizational leadership.
Midwestern State University | SACSCOC
- Graduation Rate: 51%
- Acceptance Rate: 79%
- Retention Rate: 66%
- Student Body: 79% Full-Time and 21% Part-Time
- Average Annual Cost: $10,045
MSU is an in-person and online college in Wichita Falls that specializes in liberal arts programs. It also offers undergraduate online courses for nursing and medical sciences, plus online graduate programs in education and healthcare.
Sam Houston State University | SACSCOC
- Graduation Rate: 60%
- Acceptance Rate: 83%
- Retention Rate: 76%
- Student Body: 81% Full-Time and 19% Part-Time
- Average Annual Cost: $14,617
Sam Houston State University offers an online school that covers a wide range of undergraduate programs like business, criminal justice, humanities, and social sciences. It offers online classes in both a synchronous or asynchronous format that can be helpful for online learners who may have jobs in addition to their online education.
Stephen F. Austin State University | SACSCOC
- Graduation Rate: 48%
- Acceptance Rate: 68%
- Retention Rate: 70%
- Student Body: 90% Full-Time and 10% Part-Time
- Average Annual Cost: $13,723
SFA is an accredited university located in Nacogdoches that provides online degree options in interdisciplinary studies, business, and nursing. It also offers a doctoral degree in educational leadership and master’s programs in music, science, and education.
Tarleton State University | SACSCOC
- Graduation Rate: 56%
- Acceptance Rate: 56%
- Retention Rate: 67%
- Student Body: 72% Full-Time and 28% Part-Time
- Average Annual Cost: $18,979
TSU is a public institution in Stephenville that offers a host of online bachelor programs, certificate programs, and online master’s degrees. Its online undergraduate degrees range from a public administration program, human resource development, and child and family studies.
Texas A & M University – Commerce | SACSCOC
- Graduation Rate: 55%
- Acceptance Rate: 43%
- Retention Rate: 64%
- Student Body: 74% Full-Time and 26% Part-Time
- Average Annual Cost: $13,017
Texas A&M University – Commerce is a public institution that specializes in business courses like accounting, finance, and business analytics. It also offers online classes in agriculture, education, and engineering for online students.
Texas Tech University | NC-SARA
- Graduation Rate: 62%
- Acceptance Rate: 69%
- Retention Rate: 86%
- Student Body: 90% Full-Time and 10% Part-Time
- Average Annual Cost: $17,571
Texas Tech University is an accredited college that has options for online learners in architecture, communication, and sciences. TTU also offers online graduate programs and doctoral degrees. Some of these online courses are offered as a hybrid program.
University of Houston – Clear Lake | SACSCOC
- Graduation Rate: 70%
- Acceptance Rate: 74%
- Retention Rate: 77%
- Student Body: 52% Full-Time and 48% Part-Time
- Average Annual Cost: $10,612
UHCL’s popular online courses focus on anthropology, general business, and public service leadership. Its online master’s programs include courses in software engineering, human resources, and educational leadership.
University of North Texas | SACSCOC
- Graduation Rate: 60%
- Acceptance Rate: 74%
- Retention Rate: 79%
- Student Body: 81% Full-Time and 19% Part-Time
- Average Annual Cost: $15,086
UNT’s online curricula feature undergraduate programs in rehabilitation studies, learning technologies, and information science. Some of its well-known graduate student online programs include data analytics, information science, and marketing.
Should I Consider Accredited Online Colleges in Texas?
Yes, you should consider attending an accredited online college in Texas. The virtual programs offered by the Texas colleges listed above are cost-effective and are recognized by reliable accreditation agencies. They offer a wide range of courses and degrees to suit any prospective student. You can choose anything from associate programs to undergraduate programs to doctoral programs.
Accredited Online Colleges in Texas FAQ
The average in-state tuition fee of college in Texas is around $8,598, according to the Education Data Initiative. The average tuition fee for an out-of-state student in Texas is around $24,889.
Yes, there’s a high chance that you’ll be able to land a job in Texas with an online degree. There are many large companies in Texas, so you won’t have to worry about job scarcity. Moreover, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate in Texas at the end of 2021 was around 5 percent, which is lower than the national average.
No, you don’t need to live in Texas to attend an online college in Texas. However, prospective online students that live out-of-state usually pay more than in-state students.
To know if an online college in Texas is legitimate, you should research the school you are interested in to make sure that it is accredited either by a national or a regional agency. Bodies that accredit schools in Texas are the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
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