Accredited online colleges in Maine make it easier for students with busy schedules to complete their college degrees. You can begin your school search by discovering the school rankings of the best online colleges in Maine. An accredited college degree will give you the career-relevant skills you need to get into the job market.
In this guide, you’ll discover the best online colleges in Maine and the various online programs they offer. In addition to some of the most popular majors for college students in Maine, we’ve also included a list of some of the best jobs you can get once you graduate.
Fully Accredited Online Colleges in Maine: Two Types of Accreditation
A regional and national accreditation process is thorough. The accrediting agency takes an in-depth look into universities’ curricula and the education of tertiary institutions. Accreditation checks are done regularly to ensure that colleges continually develop their quality of education while aiming for greater academic excellence.
Regionally Accredited Online Colleges
Online colleges receive regional accreditation from an accrediting body of specific geographical locations. An example of a regional accrediting body is the Higher Learning Commission, which accredits schools in the north-central region of the US. The benefit of being accredited is that the college can show that they deliver high-quality programs across degree levels.
Nationally Accredited Online Colleges
If a school has national accreditation, it means that it’s been approved by a national accrediting body that certifies vocational colleges and trade schools. The Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training is an example of a national accrediting body. The benefit of accreditation is that you can transfer credits to another nationally accredited college.
Why Is Accreditation Important for College?
Accreditation is important for college because it ensures students get the best academic quality. It demonstrates that the college has reached the required educational standards. Students who study at an accredited institution can transfer credits to another accredited institution. Students can also apply for financial aid.
How to Find an Accredited Online College in Maine
You can find an online college in Maine by looking through the department of education’s website or browsing the school’s website and searching for the accrediting body. Another way to check is to do a school search on the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), scroll down to accreditations.
Check the US Department of Education’s Database
On the US Department of Education’s database, you’ll see a textbox where you can enter the name of the school. Once you see the name, click on it, and look for the accreditation information.
Search for Colleges on the Regional Accrediting Agencies Website
The New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) accredits schools in Maine. To ensure your chosen school is accredited, go to the NECHE website, click Maine on their main webpage, and you’ll see a list of accredited colleges in the state. It is arranged in alphabetical order.
Visit the School’s Official Website
The official school website should also give you information on accreditation. You may also find a particular accreditation on your chosen program. The schools often share the accreditation information on their about page or main page.
Top 10 Accredited Online Colleges in Maine: Overview
Ranking | Online College | Accreditation | Graduation Rate |
1 | Saint Joseph’s College of Maine | New England Commission of Higher Education | 68% |
2 | University of New England | New England Commission of Higher Education | 63% |
3 | University of Maine | New England Commission of Higher Education | 57% |
4 | Unity College | New England Commission of Higher Education | 55% |
5 | Husson University | New England Commission of Higher Education | 54% |
6 | University of Maine at Fort Kent | New England Commission of Higher Education | 40% |
7 | University of Maine at Machias | New England Commission of Higher Education | 37% |
8 | University of Maine at Presque Isle | New England Commission of Higher Education | 35% |
9 | University of Southern Maine | New England Commission of Higher Education | 34% |
10 | University of Maine at Augusta | New England Commission of Higher Education | 16% |
How We Ranked the Best Accredited Online Colleges in Maine
We ranked the best accredited online colleges in Maine by looking at the graduation rates of various institutions that offer fully online degree programs. The information in the table above comes from the schools’ official websites, the US Department of Education’s database of accredited schools, and the US Department of Education’s College Scorecard tool.
Best Accredited Online Colleges in Maine: Deep Dive
The best accredited online colleges in Maine include private and public universities. These universities offer online education because they want to cater to online learners who might be working at the same time. Below is a list of these online universities and their programs.
What Is the Easiest Online College That Is Accredited in Maine?
The easiest online college accredited in Maine is Saint Joseph’s College of Maine. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the college has a high acceptance rate of 81 percent. It also has the highest graduation rate in Maine. This rate suggests a high-quality curriculum and student support.
The college provides support through an academic advisor available to help students. They also have a counseling center that helps students overcome personal and academic challenges.
What Is the Cheapest Accredited Online College in Maine?
The cheapest accredited online college in Maine is University of Maine at Fort Kent. The tuition costs are $245 per credit hour. The school bases the cost on 30 credits per year. Out-of-state students pay an average of $404 per credit.
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Are There Free Accredited Online Colleges in Maine?
No, there are no free accredited online colleges in Maine. If you want to dive deeper and learn more about your career, other free options are available, such as exploring MIT OpenCourseWare, which offers free courses and resources.
Other options are to apply for grants and scholarships that would help you with your college expenses. For example, you can check federal funding for accredited programs, including online colleges. The first step is to check the college’s financial aid.
Why Choose an Accredited Online College in Maine?
You should choose an accredited online college in Maine because it provides academic quality and allows students to transfer credits. Accredited tuition also makes it easier to get employment opportunities. Below we elaborate on why an accredited college in Maine is necessary.
Academic Quality
Accreditation is an exhaustive process where the accrediting body examines the curriculum and current systems of the school. This means that once an institution is accredited, the curricula and programs school pass an academic standard.
Transfer of Credits
You can transfer credits to any accredited institution if you study at an accredited institution. For example, if you want to study further, you will need to choose an accredited associate degree to study for a bachelor’s degree at another institution.
Employment Opportunities
Employers prefer candidates from accredited institutions. They will know that you have completed a degree program that meets educational standards. Studying at an accredited institution means you’ve undergone a rigorous curriculum and are equipped with the necessary skills for your role.
Most Affordable Accredited Online Colleges in Maine
The most affordable accredited online colleges in Maine include University of Southern Maine, University of Maine at Machias, University of Maine at Augusta, University of Maine at Fort Kent, and Saint Joseph’s College of Maine. Below is more information about these colleges and their average tuition per credit rate.
- University of Maine at Fort Kent | Tuition: $245/Credit. The school offers criminal justice and cyber security programs online. There may be other mandatory fees.
- University of Maine at Augusta | Tuition: $314/Credit. The school offers accounting, data science, and cyber security degrees. There may be mandatory fees and variable fees students need to pay.
- University of Maine at Machias | Tuition: $361/Credit. Available online programs include an Associate of Science in Business Entrepreneurial Studies and an Associate of Science in Liberal Studies. Other fees may include mandatory fees and technology fees.
- Saint Joseph’s College of Maine | Tuition: $378/Credit. Online programs include business administration and social work. Graduate school costs an average of $591 per credit hour.
- University of Southern Maine | Tuition: $439/Credit. Online programs include a Bachelor of Applied Technical Leadership and a Bachelor of Arts in Communication.
Best Online Accredited Colleges in Maine That Accept Financial Aid
Some affordable accredited colleges in Maine give financial aid to help students with their expenses and tuition. A few of these colleges are listed below.
- University of Maine | Tuition: $388/Credit. The university offers graduate degrees, graduate certificates, undergraduate certificates, and undergraduate degrees. Ninety-nine percent of the student population receives financial aid from the university.
- Husson University | Tuition: $398/Credit. The school offers both online graduate and undergraduate programs. Husson University provides financial aid to ninety-nine percent of its student population.
- Unity College | Tuition: $470/Credit. The university offers graduate and undergraduate programs, including certificates. Ninety-seven percent of students receive financial aid.
- University of New England | Tuition: $620/Credit. The university’s online programs include master’s degrees, doctorate degrees, and certificates. One hundred percent of University of New England’s students receive financial aid.
- University of Maine at Presque Isle | Tuition: Contact Admissions. The tuition depends on the online program you study. The university provides financial aid to 90 percent of its students.
Best Online Schools in Maine by Popular Subjects
The best online schools in Maine have a broad range of online programs. These universities ensure that students get the best quality of online education.
Best Accredited Online Colleges With Associate Degree Programs in Maine
Below are accredited online colleges that offer associate degree programs. Associate degrees give students the basic and general concepts relevant to their field. They either prepare students for further studies or entry-level employment.
- University of Maine Augusta | Associate of Science in Public Administration. Other associate degree options include computer information systems, business administration, justice studies, and music.
- Saint Joseph’s College of Maine | Associate of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies. Students consistently receive an assessment by teachers through an intuitive digital environment. The online school works hard to provide support and understanding.
- The University of Maine at Machias | Associate of Science in Business and Entrepreneurial Studies. The school provides 100 percent online associate degrees on a rolling admissions basis. The program keeps small class sizes and is affordable and flexible.
- University of Maine at Fort Kent | Associate of Arts in General Studies. The associate degree curriculum in this university is geared toward supporting students in landing an entry-level job.
- Kennebec Valley Community College | Associate of Applied Science in Business Administration. The college understands that people have busy schedules, so it allows students to complete the program in their own time. They also offer hybrid courses for students who sometimes want to join in-person classes.
Best Online Associate Degrees
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Best Accredited Online Colleges With Bachelor’s Degree Programs in Maine
The best accredited online colleges in Maine offer a variety of bachelor’s degree programs, including Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts programs. These online degrees give online learners quality education, and many offer financial assistance. Online schools offer flexibility for part-time and full-time students to learn in their own time. Adult learners can also work and study at the same time.
- Husson University | Bachelor of Science in Accounting. A bachelor’s degree at Husson University offers the same value and experiences as face-to-face learning. The bachelor’s programs are flexible and convenient, meeting the students’ expectations.
- The University of Maine at Machias | Bachelor of Science in Business and Entrepreneurial Studies. Classes are offered in various ways at this university. They include asynchronous, synchronous, online instruction, and live classes.
- University of Maine at Presque Isle | Bachelor of Science in History and Political Science. The university takes pride in offering bachelor’s degrees that are efficient, affordable, convenient, and accessible. Students have 24-hour access to coursework.
- University of Southern Maine | Bachelor of Arts in Communication. The university offers a variety of bachelor’s degrees online. They include, among others, business administration, computer information science, and liberal studies.
- University of Maine at Fort Kent | Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security. Study one of the most sought-after degrees at this university. Cyber security specialists are one of the most in-demand jobs today. Other degrees on offer include criminal justice, business management, and allied health.
Best Online Bachelor’s Degrees
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Best Accredited Online Colleges With Master’s Degree Programs in Maine
Accredited online colleges offer various master’s degree programs to enhance soft skills and technical skills to prepare students for management roles. These graduate programs are backed up by the latest trends. Below are the universities offering graduate programs in Maine.
- Husson University | Master of Business Administration in Risk Management. Husson University offers graduate programs that enhance students’ leadership potential, especially those aiming for higher roles in companies.
- University of New England | Master of Science in Applied Nutrition. University of New England offers six main degree programs. These are education, health informatics, social work, public health, healthcare administration, and applied nutrition.
- University of Southern Maine | Master of Science in Adult and Higher Education. The university offers various online programs for graduate students, online asynchronous, online synchronous, low-residency, and blended. This gives students the convenience and flexibility they need, especially for those who are working.
- University of Maine | Master of Education in Instructional Technology. The programs at this university are affordable and the curricula is grounded in the latest research. Students don’t have to take standardized tests and the school has a rolling admissions process.
- Saint Joseph’s College of Maine | Master of Accountancy. The graduate degrees offered by this college offer flexibility while giving structure and support. Students have weekly assignments and can communicate with classmates and professors through distance-learning technology and video conferencing facilities.
Best Online Master’s Degrees
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Why You Should Attend an Accredited Online College in Maine
You should attend an accredited online college in Maine because they have many educational opportunities on every level, including associate, bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. You can be confident that these programs are high-quality since they passed the rigorous accreditation process.
Accredited Online Colleges in Maine FAQ
Yes, the online colleges in Maine are credible, especially if they are accredited. Having an accreditation means that the institution meets the academic quality standards. The curriculum it provides is current and addresses the needs and requirements.
No, it is not cheaper to do online college in Maine. The tuition per credit for online courses is either the same or slightly higher than those doing face-to-face classes. This might be because of the resources needed to conduct the classes. However, this doesn’t mean they are not affordable and worth it.
The most important thing you should know about online colleges in Maine is that your education won’t be compromised just because courses are conducted online. In addition, you can enjoy more flexibility than in-person classes through asynchronous or synchronous courses.
The disadvantages of online colleges are that you don’t get to interact with your classmates. Most students enjoy the flexibility of taking classes at their own pace, but the downside is that you study alone. This could affect the way you socialize with others.
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