According to the Open Education Database (OEDB), college students can access 16 online schools in Hawaii. Pursuing a college degree at an online school comes with an array of benefits, including lower costs, minimal transport, and location convenience. This article dissects the best accredited online colleges in Hawaii.
Accreditation ensures that a college meets the minimum educational standards set by the accrediting body per regional or national standards so it is important that your chosen program has proper accreditation. We have compiled the best online colleges in Hawaii, including the best accredited majors and the most affordable virtual schools in Hawaii.
Fully Accredited Online Colleges in Hawaii: Two Types of Accreditation
Fully accredited online colleges in Hawaii fall under regional and national accreditation. Although both of these accreditations symbolize quality education within the institution, they are different. Below is a simple definition of both accreditations.
Regionally Accredited Online Colleges
Regional accreditation is primarily presented to state-owned and non-profit colleges. Colleges apply for accreditation from several regional accrediting agencies. The most popular accrediting agency for Hawaii online colleges is WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). Regional accreditation is the most prestigious because it is widely recognized and easily transferable.
Regional accrediting bodies cover a specific geographic area and colleges with this status rarely accept transfers from nationally accredited colleges. However, students from these colleges are accepted at regionally and nationally accredited schools. The only downside is that regionally accredited colleges are more expensive and include strict admission requirements.
Nationally Accredited Online Colleges
National accreditation focuses on countrywide institutions with a technical curriculum, career focus, or central religious beliefs. Nationally accredited online colleges are either privately owned or for-profit academic institutions. Students from nationally accredited online colleges cannot transfer to regionally accredited colleges.
Students from nationally accredited schools may not be viable for federal student aid or corporate tuition reimbursement plans. Employers also prioritize graduates from regionally accredited colleges over nationally accredited colleges. The advantage is that these colleges are cheaper and accept transfers from all colleges.
Why Is Accreditation Important for College?
Accreditation in online universities is important for college studies because it guarantees the quality of education. Accreditation enhances the college’s credibility, facilitates student retention, and ensures a smooth transfer of credits.
By preparing for accreditation, the college undergoes a self-study that solidifies its commitment to quality education and overall mission. Furthermore, you cannot receive federal student aid unless you attend an accredited college and most employers only hire graduates from accredited colleges.
How to find an Accredited Online College in Hawaii
You can find out whether an online college in Hawaii is accredited by checking the US Department of Education database, visiting the college’s official website, or searching the Regional Accrediting Agency’s website. A simple Google search will guide you to the school’s accreditation details. Below are some of the places where you will find accurate accreditation information.
Check the US Department of Education’s Database
The Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs features information directly from the US Department of Education. In addition, you can access a detailed list of accrediting agencies and accredited colleges in the United States. You simply need to go to the official website, input the online college’s name, and search for all the accreditations.
Alternatively, you can choose to run an advanced search for a more detailed report. In this case, you will fill out a form with details like the college’s address, outlying area, or specific program.
Search for Colleges on the Regional Accrediting Agency’s Website
Higher learning institutions in Hawaii primarily use the WASC Senior College and University Commission accreditation. If you visit WSCUC’s official website and click on the directory tab, you will find a list of all the online colleges accredited by the agency. In addition, you can search for your school based on the name, programs, location, or reviews.
WSCUC highlights schools that have any sanction or notice of concern. The website features information to help you extensively research your college of choice.
Visit the School’s Official Website
Usually, colleges will highlight all their accreditations on the official website in a detailed list. Some colleges have one accrediting body, while others have multiple to represent different campuses or programs. If you can’t find the accreditation tab, conduct a simple Google search of the school’s accreditation, and the website will pop up.
Top 10 Accredited Online Colleges in Hawaii: Overview
Ranking | Online College | Accreditation | Graduation Rate |
1 | Hawaii Medical College | Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) | 64% |
2 | The University of Hawaii at Manoa | WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) (Regional) Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP) (National) Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) (National) Association of Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) (National) Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) (National) |
62% |
3 | University of Hawaii, West Oahu | WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) (Regional) Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) (National) Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) (National) |
50% |
4 | University of Phoenix, Hawaii | Higher Learning Commission (Regional) Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) (National) Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education (CAHME) (National) Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) (National) Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) (National) |
46% |
5 | Chaminade University of Honolulu | WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) (Regional) Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) (National) Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (MACTE) (National) American Montessori Society (AMS) (National) Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) (National) Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) (National) International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE) (National) |
45% |
6 | The University of Hawaii at Hilo | WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) (Regional) State Approval of Teacher Education Program (SATEP) (National) Masters in Psychology Accredited Council (National) Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) (National) Association of Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) (National) Accrediting Commission for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) (National) |
43% |
7 | Hawaii Pacific University | WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) (Regional) Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) (National) Council on Education for Public Health (National) Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP) (National) |
35% |
8 | Kapi’olani Community College | Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC-ACCJC) (Regional) Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) (National) American Bar Association (ABA) (National) |
31% |
9 | Leeward Community College | Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC-ACCJC) (Regional) Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP) (National) |
25% |
10 | University of Hawaii Maui College | WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) (Regional) Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) (National) American Culinary Federation (ACF) (National) Commission on Dental Accreditation (CDA) (National) Accreditation Commission for Program in Hospitality Administration (ACPHA) (National) National Association for Education of Young Children (NAEYC) |
22% |
How We Ranked the Best Accredited Online Colleges in Hawaii
We ranked the best accredited online colleges in Hawaii by looking at the graduation rates of various institutions that offer fully online degree programs. The information in the table above comes from the schools’ official websites, the US Department of Education’s database of accredited schools, and the US Department of Education’s College Scorecard tool.
Best Accredited Online Colleges in Hawaii: Deep Dive
The best accredited online colleges in Hawaii are outlined in the table above. Most colleges are regionally accredited and feature a wide range of national accreditations for individual programs. However, a list of the best accredited colleges in Hawaii will not offer all the information you need. Below is a detailed overview of each accredited online college.
What Is the Easiest Online College That is Accredited in Hawaii?
The easiest online college that is accredited in Hawaii is Hawaii Medical College. The college prides itself on a high graduation rate of 64 percent and outstanding student outcomes. The college produces many successful graduates who find placements in companies like CVS Pharmacy, Walgreens, The Queen’s Medical Center, and Adventist Health Castle.
As the largest locally-owned college, HMC offers programs and resources that cater to everyone from high school graduates to military veterans. The most popular programs at HMC include Medical Billing and Coding and Clinical Medical Assistant. To facilitate online studies, HMC provides computers, computer hardware, software, and free training on the latest technologies.
What Is the Cheapest Accredited Online College in Hawaii?
The cheapest accredited online college in Hawaii is Leeward Community College. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), LCC’s tuition is approximately $3,209 for in-state students and $8,345 for out-of-state students. During the summer, LCC per credit tuition rates range between $248 and $306 for residents, $357 and $846 for non-residents, and $302 and $576 for non-residents within the Pacific Island jurisdiction.
Are There Free Accredited Online Colleges in Hawaii?
No, there are no free accredited online colleges in Hawaii. However, students have access to a wide selection of funding resources, including loans, grants, tuition assistance programs, federal financial aid, and scholarships.
For example, qualified in-state students at any of the University of Hawaii Community Colleges can apply for the Hawai’i Promise scholarship, which covers all your educational needs. With a little research, you can access many incredible funding opportunities. You can also take advantage of the free online course platforms like MIT OpenCourseWare and Coursera to hone your skills in different areas.
Why Choose an Accredited Online College in Hawaii?
You should choose an accredited online college in Hawaii because these colleges are growing in popularity and competing with other American colleges. They offer flexibility, a variety of degree options, hands-on student support, affordability, and unique learning styles. Below is an overview of the three top reasons to attend an accredited online college in Hawaii.
Generally, tuition rates are cheaper at accredited online colleges in Hawaii than those in other states. Therefore, enrolling in an online college in Hawaii allows you to pursue high-quality education at an affordable rate. Furthermore, the low student population at Hawaii colleges allows you to access tuition funding opportunities more easily.
Hands-On Student Support
Hands-on support is the key to student success, and most online colleges in Hawaii prioritize support for distance learners. These colleges have designed unique learning management systems like Laulima to ensure students access assignments, projects, and other learning resources.
In addition, online learners enjoy 24/7 faculty interaction, interactive study groups, counseling and tutoring, online libraries, digital textbooks, and similar coursework to on-campus students. For example, the Hawaii Medical College provides updated laptops and software for all students to ensure student participation.
Accredited colleges in Hawaii are highly respected in the United States and beyond. All the colleges have regional accreditations, which are highly valued, and several national accreditations for different program offerings. This allows you to transfer your credits to other universities and colleges or pursue a higher degree in a different state if you need to.
Most Affordable Accredited Online Colleges in Hawaii
The most affordable accredited online colleges in Hawaii include Leeward Community College, Kapi’olani Community College, and the University of Phoenix, Hawaii. These colleges prioritize affordability for in-state and out-of-state students to ensure all students can access higher education. Below is a list of the five most affordable colleges and their tuition rates.
- Leeward Community College | Tuition: $131/Credit (Resident), $345/Credit (Non-Resident). LCC students who are non-residents within the Pacific Island jurisdiction pay $196.50 per credit. The tuition fee is higher for 300-level courses, ranging between $306 and $846 per credit. Summer classes have a different tuition schedule, at $248 for residents, $357 per credit for non-residents, and $302.50 for non-residents within the Pacific Island jurisdiction.
Additional fees for LCC students include a maximum of $5.20 for activities, $9.80 for government fees, $15 for the health center, and $5 for the Board of Student Communication. You will also pay a registration fee and a non-refundable $30 late registration fee. - Kapi’olani Community College | Tuition: $131/Credit (Resident), $345/Credit (Non-Resident). Kapi’olani’s tuition schedule is similar to LCC’s schedule because both schools are under the UH System. However, Kapi’olani has slightly higher additional fees, including a $15 activity fee, $5 Congress fee, $10 publication fee, $40 transportation fee, and late registration fees.
- University of Hawaii Maui College | Tuition: $131/Credit (Resident) $345/Credit (Non-Resident). UHMC is also under the UH System and shares the same tuition as LCC and Kapi’olani Community College. In addition to additional fees, UH Maui College students also pay a $30 technology fee, $18 nurse aid malpractice fee, $500 nursing and dental hygiene fee, and up to $180 for culinary majors.
- Brigham Young University-Hawaii | Tuition: $253/Credit (Resident), $506/Credit (Non-Resident). BYU-Hawaii also offers per credit tuition rates for the first 11 credits. Resident students taking more than 12 credits in the fall pay $3,034 and non-residents pay $6,068. During spring, you will pay $2,023 (residents) and $4,045 (non-residents) for eight or more credits.
Additional fees include $4,017 – $4,813 for accommodation, $150 – $1,226 for transportation, and $655 for books and supplies. - University of Hawaii-West Oahu | Tuition: $306/Credit (Resident), $846/Credit (Non-Resident). UH, West Oahu charges per credit tuition rates for the first 11 credits. For 12 or more credits, you will pay a set fee of $3,672 as a non-resident and $10,152 as a resident. Non-residents within the Pacific Island jurisdiction and West Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) pay $459 per credit and $5,508 for 12 credits and above.
The fees for summer classes are similar for residents, but non-residents pay discounted rates. Additional mandatory fees include a $14 activity, $5 government, $30 health, $9 publication, $26 transportation, $8 technology, $22 campus center operations, and $6 campus center program fee.
Best Online Accredited Colleges in Hawaii That Accept Financial Aid
The best online accredited colleges in Hawaii that accept financial aid include Hawaii Medical College, Hawaii Pacific University, and the Chaminade University of Honolulu. Financial aid is important because it relieves the burden of tuition, allowing more students to access quality education. The schools below offer financial aid in various forms, including scholarships, federal student aid, work-study plans, military benefits, and discounts.
- Hawaii Pacific University | Tuition: $15,720/Semester. HPU is among the most expensive accredited online colleges in Hawaii. However, it also offers the best financial aid to provide ways for students to afford college. According to NCES statistics, 100 percent of HPU students receive financial aid. The university offers scholarships, grants, and federal student aid. You can fill out financial aid forms on the school website or reach out to an advisor for guidance.
- Hawaii Medical College | Tuition: $16,510-$33,680/Year. NCES indicates that Hawaii Medical College offers 100 percent of students financial aid. The school provides affordable medical-based training by allowing tuition waivers, federal financial aid programs, military benefits and services, and flexible payment programs.
- The University of Hawaii at Hilo | Tuition: $306/Credit (Resident), $846/Credit (Non-Resident). UH at Hilo offers financial aid to approximately 90 percent of the student population, according to NCES. Students can complete a free FAFSA application for access to federal aid. The university also offers financial awards to students based on their financial needs. Additional aid programs include grants, scholarships, federal work-study programs, tuition waivers, and loans.
- University of Hawaii – West Oahu | Tuition: $306/Credit (Resident), $846/Credit (Non-Resident). UH, West Oahu also offers financial aid to 90 percent of the student population. The financial aid office guides you through your FAFSA application, but you can also apply for awards, grants, scholarships, loans, and student employment programs.
- University of Hawaii Maui College | Tuition: $131/Credit (Resident), $345/Credit (Non-Resident). According to NCES, approximately 80 percent of UHMC students receive financial aid. Primarily, students apply for federal student aid on the school website. You can also find grants, scholarships, loans, and work-study programs, similar to other UH System schools.
Best Online Schools in Hawaii by Popular Subjects
The best online schools in Hawaii can also be ranked based on popular subjects. These include computer science, criminal justice, nursing, occupational therapy, psychology, and education. Top accredited online colleges offer a wide selection of similar programs, but these are the best schools for the most popular subjects.
Best Accredited Online Colleges With Associate Degree Programs in Hawaii
The best accredited online colleges with associate degree programs in Hawaii include Hawaii Medical College, the University of Phoenix Hawaii, and Hawaii Pacific University. Most accredited online colleges extend their online offerings to accommodate certificate and associate degrees.
- Hawaii Medical College | Associate of Applied Science in Clinical Medical Assisting. HMC ensures students get their degrees in less than 22 months. You prepare for the CCMA certification exam, interact with qualified professionals, and gain the skills to launch a successful medical assisting career. HMC provides a lifetime of free job placement assistance and a free laptop and tablet that you can keep after graduation.
- The University of Phoenix, Hawaii | Associate of Arts in Information Technology. The two-year degree covers eight courses and includes unique concentrations in cyber security foundations, network defense, and data management. These specializations give you access to well-paying entry-level jobs in the IT industry.
- The Chaminade University of Honolulu | Associate of Science in Criminology and Criminal Justice. Chaminade is the top school in Hawaii for criminology and criminal justice degrees. The faculty prioritizes mentorship, collaboration, and project-based learning for hands-on experience.
- Hawaii Pacific University | Associate of Science in Homeland Security. HPU is a leading online college for many online degree programs, including the AS in Homeland Security. The associate degree is a reliable pathway for anyone seeking to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice, Diplomacy, and Military Studies.
- Kapi’olani Community College | Associate of Arts in Hawaiian Studies. The Hawaii studies program is one of the most popular degrees at the college because local and international students are eager to understand Hawaiian culture. Kapi’olani is one of the few colleges that offer this online associate degree.
Best Online Associate Degrees
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Best Accredited Online Colleges With Bachelor’s Degree Programs in Hawaii
The best accredited online colleges with bachelor’s degree programs in Hawaii are the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Chaminade University of Honolulu, and the University of Hawaii-West Oahu. These colleges offer bachelor’s degrees and accelerated programs to enable speedy graduation. Here are the top five schools for an online bachelor’s.
- The University of Hawaii at Manoa | Bachelor of Social Work. You will complete this bachelor’s at the Thompson School of Social Work and Public Health, renowned for social work training. The school has designed an outstanding distance education program that takes two years and requires 59 major credits.
- University of Hawaii, West Oahu | Bachelor of Arts in Creative Media. UH, West Oahu creative media graduates speak highly of this bachelor’s degree. You will learn design and media, communication, new technologies, and software development.
- University of Phoenix, Hawaii | Bachelor of Science in Business Management. The University of Phoenix, Hawaii, utilizes the same high-quality curriculum as other University of Phoenix campuses. You can transfer your credits to the main campus in Arizona if you wish to switch to in-person learning before graduation.
- The Chaminade University of Honolulu | Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education. This degree is in line with all state qualification requirements and meets the standards set by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. It is flexible and supports hands-on learning.
- The University of Hawaii at Hilo | Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing. If you have an Associate Degree in Nursing, this is the perfect degree for your bachelor’s. UH at Hilo has developed a flexible curriculum that encourages work-life balance, networking, and clinical learning experiences.
Best Online Bachelor’s Degrees
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Best Accredited Online Colleges With Master’s Degree Programs in Hawaii
The best accredited online colleges with master’s degree programs in Hawaii include the Chaminade University of Honolulu, the University of Hawaii at Hilo, and Hawaii Pacific University. The universities prioritize flexibility and design the curriculum to match in-person courses. Below are the top five online master’s degree programs.
- The University of Hawaii at Manoa | Master of Science in Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Science. This three-year degree is available under the Rehabilitation Counselor Education Program (RCEP), which focuses on careers in vocational rehabilitation.
- University of Phoenix, Hawaii | Master of Science in Psychology. The curriculum at the University of Phoenix, Hawaii, is designed by professional psychology professionals with years of experience.
- The Chaminade University of Honolulu | Master of Arts in Teaching. With this program, you will complete your master’s at the School of Education and Behavioral Sciences, where you will learn from a highly-qualified faculty.
- The University of Hawaii at Hilo | Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology. UH at Hilo invests in the best technology to ensure all online students enjoy a fulfilling learning experience. You will become a licensed mental health counselor upon graduation.
- Hawaii Pacific University | Master of Science in Nursing. HPU is among the best nursing schools, according to the US News & World Report. Pursuing your Master of Science in Nursing online allows access to one of the best nursing programs countrywide.
Best Online Master’s Degrees
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Why You Should Attend an Accredited Online College in Hawaii
You should attend an accredited online college in Hawaii because higher learning institutions in this state are quickly rising in popularity. Employers respect degrees from this state, which is known to produce highly-competent and resilient graduates. In addition, Hawaii colleges are more affordable than colleges in other states like California, New York, and Washington DC.
Accredited Online Colleges in Hawaii FAQ
The consequences of attending a non-accredited college include minimal priority for the highest-paying roles, inability to further your education, and unjustified expenses. Without proper accreditation, a non-accredited college is likely to be closed by the state, meaning your degree will become invalid.
No, regional accreditation is not mandatory. However, regional accreditations are more respected and come with many benefits, including credit transfer to any type of school.
Yes, Hawaii colleges are reliable for online higher education. The colleges and universities invest heavily in technology and other resources that ensure interactive, hands-on online learning. It is worth pursuing a degree online as there are many new trends in online education that you may find beneficial.
Yes, the accredited online colleges in Hawaii are selective during admission because of the high number of applications. However, most colleges have an acceptance rate of 70 percent and above. It is worth keeping up with current trends in college admissions to be aware of any changes that may occur.
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